Garcia Family

    The Garcia Family    



Statistics & Foundation

Family Tree


  • Species: Wolfdog (Collie, Wolf)
  • Family Origin: Mexico
  • Surname: Language, "meaning"
  • Archetype (Group): something, something
  • Archetypes (Individuals): something, something

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Family Members
    1.   1.1  First Generation
    2.   1.2  Second Generation
    3.   1.3  Third Generation
    4.   1.4  Fourth Generation
  2.   2.  Other Lykois
    1.   2.1  Ancestors
    2.   2.2  Non-Blood "Family"
  3.   3.  Defining Features
    1.   3.1  Physical Features
  4.   4.  History
    1.   4.1  Influence and Influences
  5.   5.  Culture and Homeland

Paragraphs of an introductory nature! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra cursus iaculis. Donec dignissim, nulla vitae sagittis pulvinar, lectus mauris lobortis quam, eget fermentum ipsum ligula ac neque. Vivamus vestibulum ligula turpis, vel pulvinar leo mollis vel. Integer ac urna ac ipsum semper vestibulum. Etiam ultricies lectus eu odio varius cursus. Quisque urna mauris, lacinia cursus neque in, porttitor consequat dolor. Mauris id tortor nisl. Nulla felis lacus, volutpat quis vulputate sed, imperdiet sit amet lacus.

1.  Family Members

1.1  First Generation

1.2  Second Generation

1.3  Third Generation

1.4  Fourth Generation

2.  Other Lykois

2.1  Ancestors

Write something about their ancestry here, if you want!

2.2  Non-Blood "Family"

The Lykois are such cool kids, others want to be like us. ;D


  • Characters thought they were a Family member, but turned out not to be!
  • Characters lied and said they were a Family member.
  • Characters was given the surname for honorary purposes.


3.  Defining Features

General information about features that define this family.

3.1  Physical Features

Are there specific physical features that run through this family? Larger sizes? Smaller sizes? A certain fur type?


You can use color words -- such as Fuel Yellow (#EEBB20) -- with Name that Color.


You can use color words -- such as Fuel Yellow (#EEBB20) -- with Name that Color.

4.  History

Some history about the family goes here!

4.1  Influence and Influences

5.  Culture and Homeland

  • Does your family come from a certain place in the world?
  • Maybe they have a specific religion?
  • Maybe there's a certain way all members of the family are raised?
Category: Wolfdog