veldt's Adoptions

veldt's Adoptable Hub

Click for general information, stipulations, and contracts!


If you are interested in one of my open characters, I will only consider private messages with the below application filled out! After reviewing your application I will send some follow-up questions if I need clarification or feel an idea of yours needs a little more development so I get the full scope of it. From there, I am likely to hop over to Discord to hash out things further: expand upon ideas, list my concerns (if there are any), etc. You'll find additional constraints and considerations listed here as well, but don't let them intimidate you! I am very willing to work with anyone that wants to bring one of my characters to life! :>

  • Wiki Page: veldt
  • Private Message: OOC Account
  • Discord: PM me for my handle or check the 'Souls server!


Please send the following in a PM titled "[CHARACTER NAME] Adoption Application".

[list][*][b]OOC Name:[/b]
[*][b]Character Name:[/b]
[*][b]Character Interpretation:[/b] (Why do you want to adopt this character? What do you plan to do with this character? What's their personality/motivations/goals/etc.? Please provide >100 words and not just a sentence or two!)
[*][b]Changes:[/b] (If a lenient or moderate adoptable, are you looking to change anything substantial about this character? Not acceptable for those with strict contracts.)
[*][b]Writing Sample:[/b] (Depending on the type of contract, please submit a sample that you've written as the character you intend to adopt. ~300-400 words is fine, but write as much as you'd like!)
[*][b]Do you agree to the contract and conditions listed for this character?:[/b]
[*][b]Pick-Up Date:[/b] (When are you going to aim to play this character?)[/list]

Contract Outlines

  • Lenient:
    • Character is generally free-form and has little to no constraints.
    • These characters are the least-developed and have a lot of freedom in terms of personality, history, appearance, etc.; generally, these are great options for players that want to have some on-board connections to certain existing characters but want to be able to "build their own adoptable."
    • These characters do not require a writing sample in their application.
    • Most pre-adoption changes are acceptable and I am willing to work with your vision!
  • Moderate:
    • Character is "locked-in" to certain aspects (pack, backstory, plots, etc.) and has a few constraints.
    • These characters have minor development: they may already be on-board as an NPC, have been referenced by other characters as acting a certain way, or may have previous play establishing key aspects to the character.
    • These characters require a writing sample in their application.
    • Some pre-adoption changes may be acceptable, but I expect to be kept in the loop and may deny substantial changes to the character.
  • Strict:
    • Character either has previous play or important pre-existing connections and has specific constraints.
    • These characters have extensive history, either from previous play or as a heavily-used NPC. Only players with a firm grasp of the character's history and personality will likely be accepted.
    • These characters require a writing sample in their application.
    • Pre-adoption changes are not acceptable.


  • Reclaiming an Adoptable:
    • I reserve the right to reclaim a character if the character is removed in an activity sweep; if the player goes inactive or is banned from 'Souls; if any terms in the contract are breached; or if the player fails to join with the character within a timely manner. Re-adoption can be discussed as necessary.
    • Generally, I will not reclaim characters with extensive play (played for >1 year, have >100 posts, etc.), even if they are dropped or NPC'd.
    • I can make exceptions regarding re-adoption, especially if the player intends to pick up the character later on, but cannot currently play them. IRL always comes first. ♥
  • Art & Baubles:
    • All baubles (art, titles, icons, etc.) originally given with the adoptable return with the character.
    • Gift art and gift graphics are typically considered reclaimable with the adoptable.
    • Traded, commissioned, and bought art is considered your property. New players must request your permission to use such items, even in the case of art customized to that particular character.
    • Titles and icons...
    ... earned via game points, contests, etc. are considered your property; however, you must request removal/transfer within 2 months after dropping the adoptable or they become property of the new player.
    ... purchased via the 'Souls store are considered your property and may be removed/transfered to your own character at any time.
  • Player Considerations:
    I may not adopt to players that:
    • Are first-time players on 'Souls or otherwise have no active characters.
      • However, I am willing to give new players a chance if there is clear communication, especially with my lenient contracts!
    • Have OOC infractions or break 'Souls boardwide rules and policies.
    • Have previously adopted from me, only to drop the character after a short period of time.
    • Constantly pick up, drop, and switch characters.
    • Show severe streaks of inactivity, constant absenteeism, etc.
    • Wish to beget an excessive amount of progeny from the character (aka make lots of babies).
    • Fundamentally misunderstand, misuse, or radically alter the character.

Cheyenne Long — The Diva


Art by Despi



  • Background: Shy is one of the many illegitimate children of Phoenix Whitesage, born out of wedlock to a call girl in the middle of nowhere, Arizona. Shortly after the litter's birth, Nick made himself scarce, quickly reestablishing himself at his family's ranch and settling down with an old childhood friend and having more kids that were worthy of taking on his family name.
Out of all the Whitesage-Long bastards, Shy might take after both of her parents the most: she is a serial romancer like her father, and a deeply sensual being like her mother. For a time, she worked alongside her mother at her "place of business" before deciding that turning tricks was not all she wanted from life. After hearing of her other siblings that had traveled to Del Cenere, Shy follows suit.
  • Traits: Flirty, catty, motivated, unrelenting
This character has previous play from another player (31 posts).
  • Plot Opportunities:
    • Shy has several family members in DCG that are actively played!
    • Coming from a background of sex work, she can continue this work in DCG or turn a new leaf entirely!
    • Strong female character comfortable in her own skin shenanigans (or at least i hope please lord)

Previous Adoptions


Characters that were adopted and are presently active on-board.


Characters that were adopted and are waiting to be picked up or were either dropped, reclaimed, or decommissioned.

Categories: Open Characters | veldt