The Wolfbane Family

This small family of wolves traces its lineage back to Turuambar Wolfbane, although his surname has been buried. The lost link TaeBin or Yi JinTae of the Korean pack Kkahmahn Neukdae resurfaced years later as Corvus Vendetta, and founded a new generation of offspring by several mothers. This family is notable for a unique genetic trait - they are occasionally born with eyes clouded solid white or black, making it nearly impossible to distinguish their pupils.

Wolfbane Family Statistics

Total Members—8
Surviving Members—9
Active Members—0
Location—Dahlia de Mai, AniWaya, Salsola, Lac Sakami

Wolfbane Family Foundation

First Member Location—Clouded Tears
First Member Date—March 29, 2004
First Member Name—Turuambar Wolfbane
First Birth Location—Dahlia de Mai
Founding Parents—Cwmfen nic Graine and Onus
Founding Birth Children— Chastity nic Cwmfen, Honor Onus
Founding Birth Date—August 1, 2009

Influence and Influences


  • Aston — Aurèle x Corvus


  • Dahlia de Mai — Cwmfen was a member and leader of Dahlia for months. She conceived her children while a part of this pack, but left soon after their birth.
  • Aniwaya? — Aurèle gave birth to her litter while she was a member of AniWaya, but left shortly after. Anatole returned to live a portion of his adult life there, but left as well.
  • Salsola — Yi TaeKyung was first captured as a slave here, but over time developed a true loyalty to the pack and was given her freedom as a full-fledged member.
  • Lac Sakami — Anatole took up residence here with his mother, and eventually took a mate and fathered children.


The parent that contributes the Wolfbane genes is bolded.

Ancestral Generation

First Generation

Second Generation

Categories: AniWaya | Aston | Salsola | Wolf | Wolfbane