Maddox Brádaigh

Profile Forum Profile Maddox Brádaigh (Hide Header)
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Credit: tonyarmstrong@DA

Player Kris
Creator(s) Mads & Salena

Nicknames: --

  • Epithet: TBD.

Rank: Sitsina of The Citadel

  • Corank(s): Job, Occupation, Vocation

Date of Birth: 20 NOV 2022


Sex: Male

  • Pronouns: He/Him

Residence: The Citadel, Portland

  • cNPC: TBD.
  • yNPC(s): None.
  • Animal Companion(s): NPC, NPC, NPC

Maddox Brádaigh (pronounced MAH dix Br ae d IH ck) was born to Kadir Ahearne & Hibiki alongside Aodhan Brádaigh & Aislinn Ahearne, as part of their second litter. They currently reside at The Citadel with their parents and older siblings Roa Brádaigh, Finn Ahearne, Orrin Ahearne & Aoife Brádaigh.

  • Appearance:
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  • Personality: Up to the adopter!
  • Archetypes/Skills: Warriors, rangers, hunters, scouts, animal husbandry, blacksmiths, archers, farmers, craftsmen. Could have gone in the opposite direction too with someone being the black sheep of the family becoming a bard or healer. Also would have learned Gaelic from Kadir and would have been fluent in it as she has spoken it to her children since they were pups.
  • Reclaiming: We have the right to reclaim the character if they are removed in an activity sweep and you do not contact us in an appropriate matter of time about you rejoining with them.
  • Contract: Moderate: the character will most likely join wherever his siblings end up going. Of course, this can be discussed!
  • Notes:
    • Kadir would have made sure her children knew how to defend themselves and had to choose one weapon to “specialize in”.
    • Kids would have grown up around Hibiki’s forge and could have been involved with learning to become a blacksmith like him. They had access to an array of weapons and armor that would be specifically made for them.
    • Kadir’s co-ranks included hunting/tracking, animal husbandry and combat specialist (sword/hand-to-hand/feral) in New Caledonia. She also was proficient with a bow and arrow, learned carpentry from Tierney so would have been constantly working on their home as well as barns/hutches for the animals they keep with her children.
    • Kadir and Hibiki both would have helped their children find apprenticeships in whichever area they wished to explore their talents in around Portland or the Citadel. They would not have accepted any type of laziness and would have instilled a great work ethic in them and to find joy in their work, they just had to choose SOMETHING.
    • Would have had a strong Celtic-vibe in their upbringing thanks to Kadir’s roots.
  • Contact: Please PM Mads or contact me on Discord about your interest and we can discuss further.