Daighre O'Connolly

WARNING: This page contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Appearance
    1.   1.1  Basics
    2.   1.2  Miscellaneous
  2.   2.  Personality
    1.   2.1  Ideals
  3.   3.  Relationships
    1.   3.1  Family
    2.   3.2  Other Relations
  4.   4.  Assets
    1.   4.1  Skills
  5.   5.  History
    1.   5.1  2020

Daighre O'Connolly is the son of Beibhinn and Treasach O’Connolly. The only child of the Alphas and therefore heir to the family name, Daighre is destined for greatness.

Or rather, was destined for greatness.

His future doesn't look as bright as it used to ever since his mom had enough of his constant attitude and threw him out of the pack, with her only guidance being get out and stay out until you get your head out of your ass, whatever that means.

Currently, Daighre is a Loner.







  • Date of Birth: 24 April 2018
  • Gender: Male
  • Luperci: Ortus
  • Pronunciation:
    • DEI r'yeh
    • o CON nul lee
  • Etymology:
    • "flame; fire" Irish
    • "as fierce as a wolf" Irish
  • Nightmare (Grade Horse)
    • Palomino mare
    • Daighre's real second mom

Pack Information

OOC Assumptions

  • Pack: Loner
  • Residence: None
  • Rank: None
  • Duis ac vestibulum diam, non vulputate. Etiam sed blandit nibh, quis placerat diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

1.  Appearance

1.1  Basics


Colour Reference


  • Species: An average sized and purebred wolf.
  • Fur: Medium, dense, and double-coated with a layer of long, coarse guardhairs and a short, plush undercoat. His fur grows thick and heavy in the winter, shedding in the spring.
    • Optime Hair: Short, spiky, and coarse to the touch.
  • Facial Features: Baby-faced and soft featured with a blunt, boyish muzzle and large ears.
  • Build and Size: Average height (and in denial) with the body of a fighter made for explosive power and speed over endurance. He's broad shouldered and deep chested with a thin—pretty—waistline.
  • Humanization: Moderate, wearing crude, Lupecri-made clothing and accessories with a preference for his Optime form, but primitive and feral in his mannerisms.


Mercury (#E4E4E4)
Silver (#BABABA)
Dusty Gray (#9B9B9B)
Boulder (#7A7A7A)
Tundora (#4E4E4E)


Mine Shaft (#272727)



85 lbs (38.5 kg)32 in (81.3 cm)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim. Fusce commodo sapien a ligula volutpat sit amet tempus metus congue.


150 lbs (68 kg)43 in (109.2 cm)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim. Fusce commodo sapien a ligula volutpat sit amet tempus metus congue.

Optime (Preferred)

244 lbs (110.7 kg)6ft 4in (76 in) (193 cm)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim. Fusce commodo sapien a ligula volutpat sit amet tempus metus congue.

1.2  Miscellaneous


  • Scars:
    • Various minor nicks and scratches hidden beneath his fur.
    • Bite mark [M] in the juncture of his right shoulder and neck.
  • Piercings:
    • Earrings on both ears


Duis interdum, erat in luctus efficitur, diam est molestie turpis, sed tristique ex massa ac nunc. Integer a elit a metus tincidunt dignissim et non dolor.

Jewelry and Accessories

  • Crude necklaces of dyed red, orange, and blue clay beads, adorned with several animal teeth and claws
  • Curved, dark wooden ear gauges



  • Speech: Pitches voice low, often a borderline growl, or scoffing and judging.
  • Scent: Sweat, boy, smoke, dirt, leather.
  • Quirks, Gestures, Etc.:
    • Rarely say's people's names, much preferring to shout "Hey!", "You!", and "Oi!" until the right person answers
    • When he does say someone's name, it's usually a nickname (and boy, is he terrible at nicknames, and naming in general) or an outright insult he designated for the person in question
    • Not much of a talker, Daighre much prefers wordless communication (i.e., grunting and glaring) and canine body language
    • Has something of a Slasher Smile
  • General Posture and Body Language: Carries himself low, stalking and searching, or far more accurately, pouting and brooding.

2.  Personality

2.1  Ideals



  • Success
    • Donec sed diam vel turpis imperdiet posuere. Maecenas ultrices interdum neque, id consequat eros imperdiet id. Sed consectetur tortor sit amet efficitur consectetur. Integer dapibus lorem sed sagittis facilisis. Praesent sollicitudin tempor elit.


  • Failure
    • Vestibulum vitae est sodales, auctor dui at, molestie odio. Integer accumsan velit eget accumsan elementum. Nam tempus eros nec nunc congue, quis fringilla ipsum viverra. Nam nisl neque, viverra molestie molestie nec, interdum at arcu. Nulla vel congue nunc, eu cursus erat.


  • Likes: Nothing.
  • Dislikes: Everything.


  • Bias
    • Ut id blandit elit. In eu dolor in velit lobortis molestie. Donec maximus imperdiet quam ut laoreet. Proin elementum sit amet mauris eget semper. Praesent cursus ornare lorem non aliquam. Nullam lobortis mattis iaculis.


  • Homosexual
    • Donec ut elit vitae ex faucibus pulvinar quis a mi. Nulla a nisl semper, ornare lorem in, aliquam orci. Proin lacinia velit lectus, eu sollicitudin nisl vehicula vel. Duis a est vestibulum, suscipit lectus nec, mattis sapien.
    • Duis a est vestibulum, suscipit lectus nec, mattis sapien. In diam mi, auctor ac dui sit amet, ullamcorper malesuada urna.


  • Atheistic
    • In at mattis elit. Duis vehicula venenatis quam, in fringilla quam finibus nec. In dapibus eleifend felis ut suscipit. Sed a felis vehicula, vehicula erat vel, euismod libero. Suspendisse porta, nulla eget semper mattis, lacus neque iaculis est, a egestas orci nisi ut lacus. Morbi sodales egestas commodo.


  • Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drugs
    • Ut scelerisque, magna in convallis porttitor, purus ligula sagittis enim, et porta purus justo sit amet nisi. Phasellus hendrerit dui dui, sed hendrerit elit sagittis a. Nam convallis fringilla felis, nec interdum purus efficitur at.

3.  Relationships

3.1  Family

  • Mother: Beibhinn O'Connolly
  • Father: Treasach O'Connolly
  • Siblings: None
  • Cousins: ---
  • Extended: ---
  • Beibhinn O'Connolly is Daighre's hag of a mother—his own words—and the parent he takes after the most, in both appearance and personality. Naturally, this means they can't stand each other.
  • Treasach O'Connolly is Daighre's father—or 'old man', if you ask Daigh—and the sane man of the family, often times playing the role of mediator and voice of reason. He and Daigh don't get along well.

3.2  Other Relations

Minor Relations

  • Sex: ---
  • Friendly: ---
  • Enemies: ---
  • Murders: ---

Combat Log

4.  Assets

4.1  Skills


  • Education and Learning: First and foremost self taught, Daighre learned through fighting peers and the occasional unwitting loner.
  • Hand-to-Hand: A natural born fighter with the right instincts, Daighre has a quick and aggressive style of fighting that hinges entirely on offense.
  • Arrogant, hotheaded, and lacking finesse—Daighre is quick to fight, especially without good reason, and depends on instinct without defense rather than planning or careful thought.


  • Education and Learning: Primarily instructed by his mother, Beibhinn O'Connolly.
  • Reading and Writing: Taught from the moment he could shift, Daighre is reasonably competent at reading and writing.
  • Lacking patience and the interest, Daighre skims and paraphrases when reading, and uses as few words as possible when writing, both to his detriment.

5.  History

5.1  2020

April 2020

Integer at ante sed nunc laoreet rutrum. Mauris sapien est, tincidunt lobortis magna in, vestibulum consequat orci. Maecenas gravida id nisl eget faucibus. Morbi lobortis ultrices congue. Duis lacus mauris, gravida non leo non, accumsan faucibus diam.


  1. [M] I Am the Once, Now Irreplaceable Son
    Blondie happens upon a shedding Daighre and his horse, Nightmare. She tries to leave but not before Daighre catches her. The two fight, but call it a draw.
  2. [M] solid punch kind of eyes make 'em wobbly
    Daighre's horse doesn't listen to him, and he happens upon Galilee Haskel during a spring shower. Tensions run high when she tells him to chill and says he has a stick up his ass.
  3. [M] What Did You Mean When You Said It's Destructive
    An unfortunate Kronin Massacre bumps into Daighre's horse. The two fight—Daighre gets his shoulder bitten and broken nose—and Kronin gets choked. Owen Knight appears and breaks up the fight. Tries to, anyway.
  4. [M] I Was Born an April Fool
    A freshly beaten up Daigh meets Toraberā Tanaka. The older wolf beats the shit out him, leaving him unconscious and concussed, after he refuses his help.
  5. [M] The Once and Finally Replaceable Son
    Cedric Stryder and Fredrick Knight happen upon a bloody, beaten, and now concussed Daighre, who doesn't want to be helped, naturally.

May 2020

Integer at ante sed nunc laoreet rutrum. Mauris sapien est, tincidunt lobortis magna in, vestibulum consequat orci. Maecenas gravida id nisl eget faucibus. Morbi lobortis ultrices congue. Duis lacus mauris, gravida non leo non, accumsan faucibus diam.


  1. [M] These Boys Are Just Poison
    Daighre happens upon Zero Blackbourne performing magic in the forest. He isn't amused.
  2. [M] A gift of a thistle
    Daighre and Kronin Massacre meet again...