Nahla Boudreax


  • Sex: Female
  • Species: Jackal-Dog
  • Date of Birth: 6th April 2019
  • Loner Band: Midnight Krewe


Nahla is a copper and blonde colored female with odds and ends of other colorations throughout her body. Her hair is a beautiful rich copper color that appears more red in the sunlight, accented by highlights of light copper throughout her locks, with a gray-tan around her face and the blonde coloration among her jowls and cheeks. Mitts are also pallid in comparison to her otherwise darker body, giving her a rather intriguing look.

Nahla also has beautiful rich, green eyes that are bright, calculated, and ever vigilant. Obvious to show her intelligence, and gentle nature. Alert, alive, and vibrant, her eyes are constantly moving, and analyzing the world around them soaking in the greatness of the vast world in front of her.

With her jackal-dog heritage, the woman is on the shorter-skinnier side, and has large, overly-radar ears that are a highlight of her appearance. They stand tall, and stark in contrast to her otherwise average body, for a jackal, following her rather mesomorph body which curves in the correct places.

Nahla is highly humanized and wears bright colored robes, bright colored headwrap, and a set of pearls she doesn’t take off. When not wearing a headwrap, her hair is tightly spun in a bun at the nape of her neck, slickened down with a type of oil.


She's promiscuous, amorous, and self-confident. A bit of a "chameleon" so to say, no one ever gets the same version of her. Though she isn't a liar, she isn't truthful entirely with anyone. Brought up in the heart of New Orleans she has learned to build a shell, and never get close to anyone.

Being a chameleon means she tends to "transform" once in a conversation with someone, ie, if they're quiet and shy, she will become a shadow of them, so to say. If they're rather boisterous and adventurous she molds into what she thinks they would like. Nine times out of ten she is right. Very empathic, cuddly and reflective. Nahla likes to have attention, and though most of her encounters are rather sexual, she tends to have a healthy thriving relationship with most of her "clients".

Around the others of her ground, Nahla tends to be outgoing, very dashing, and charismatic. Non-argumentative, though adept to put her foot down and understand what is acceptable and what is not. Nahla likes children, but doesn't want a partner, significant other or anyone else like that, and will likely never have children herself.

Due to some events that happened in her childhood Nahla tends to hold children above others' including elders. If a child is being mistreated she is likely to step in than to stand by and watch. This is probably the only time her passive attitude becomes assertive, otherwise she could careless. Neither good, nor evil, Nahla strives for herself, and whats good for her.

Although she has some trauma, scars, and stories she will likely never tell, it doesn't stop her from being as kindred as she can, and striving to the be the best woman she can be. Because she hardly sleeps due to nightterrors, Nahla is often found napping during the day with her hog.


Growing up in a Lady of the Night homestead, the woman learned from an early age things she never should have. She also learned how to speak and understand fluent french and Haitian Creole, often resorting to speaking that language around those she likes and can also understand. Life during the first seven months were mostly normal, spent running errands for their Ladies of the Night and enjoying the life growing up. But something else called to her.

Nahla began to branch out on her own instead of working with her family owned business, traveling for over a year, she finally settled back into the Heart of New Orleans, at one and a half with a grungy looking man by the name of Dennison. He was a promiser, and a man who would soon give her more nightmares than she could withstand.

During the first year as a Harloton, so he called her, she befriended and adopted a pig named Betti-sue, this frienship was what kept her alive somedays. Most days she was treated well and kind, others, not so much.

When she was about to "age-out" around two and a half, the man who had her indebted to him, set her up, and caused her to be beaten, thus, he rescued her creating a new debt that she would have to "pay off". At first she was grateful, but things really started to sour, creating her to become fearful of this man. So she vanished into the night with nothing so much as her hog and the clothes on her back into the territory of Souls.

It can be said some nights she can hear him calling her, which keeps her constantly moving, from one place to the next, and never settling for more than a few days to weeks on end.

Categories: 2017 Births | Coydog | Loners