Spotlight Soul 2018

1.  Winners

1.1  January - Brocade Valentine

This month's Spotlight Soul is Brocade (Amanda)! Brocade's interesting character development was accelerated by the SL/IF war, and continues to evolve! In spite of first appearances, Brocade is much more than just a mercenary or a soldier - his consistent and active involvement this past month in the pack has placed him in the position of teacher, family man, gift-giver and much more. We can't wait to see what becomes of him next! :>

1.2  February - Moon Moon Damaichu

This month's Spotlight Soul is Moon Moon (Nuki)! Nuki does a very good job with this wild and crazy child of hers, and Moon Moon's threads are always fun to read - or, at the very least, interesting to read! ;) Her threads are full of random, 'out there' ups and downs, and it's clear that Nuki has a blast playing her! Moon Moon is a step away from the "norm", and we can say with certainty that any Moon Moon thread is far from boring or ordinary!

1.3  March - Mistral de l'Or

The Spotlight Soul for this month is Mistral (Lin)! As a villain, Mistral was worthy of outrage and fear, becoming someone you felt justified hating. But when recalling the nature of her past and the things that she endured as a youth, Mistral was unique because she could also instill a sense of sympathy in our hearts. The entire plot was tons of fun, and Mistral was such a great villain to go with it! She was killin' it - literally! ;)

1.4  April - Silvano Sadira

This month's Spotlight Soul is Silvano (Gen)! Poor Silvano has seen a great deal of loss over the past few months: his status as King was forcibly taken, one of his hands was crudely amputated, and his wife was brutally murdered. But some Courtiers are noticing that something more insidious is happening to their former King: he's losing his memories. Is this a symptom of the trauma that Silvano has endured or something gravely more serious? We don't know, but we do know that it has Courtiers and players alike waiting and wondering what will happen next!

1.5  May - Rocky Cortés

This month's Spotlight Soul is Rocky Cortés (Hydra)! After months of hanging around neutral territory, especially Biff's Bar, Rocky recently joined the ragtag team of bartenders, earning his keep as the muscle. An enjoyable drinking buddy and a worthy opponent in an arm-wrestling match, Rocky's antics and [occasionally poor] life choices make for some fun reading!

1.6  June - Julia

This month's Spotlight Soul is Julia (Dread)! A seemingly sweet and innocent young deaf woman, Julia has become thoroughly involved in the Court, and is eager to help her packmates out despite communication issues. However, beyond the Court, she harbors a dark secret that is bound to eventually come to light, and we're all eagerly awaiting to see what becomes of this intriguing character next!

1.7  July - Kamari Kaiser

July’s spotlight soul is Kamari Kaiser (Songbird), yay! It has been very exciting to see how Kamari has evolved as she does what she can to bring honor to the Kaiser family. Coming from a very low place in Salsola’s strict social hierarchy, her forcible engagement and ambitious goals continuously drive her forward and it shall be interesting to see what the future has in store for this headstrong young luperci.

1.8  August - Helena Troy Lykoi

This month's Spotlight Soul is Helena Troy Lykoi (Jace)! Having begun her life in Salsola following her forced abandonment of Inferni, Helena's ambition has become very clear. She has made herself known as a talented chef and seems to have a habit for finding other lost souls in the wild (and bringing some back against their will). With an unusual family and more intrigue yet to be unmasked, it seems as if Helena still has many yet-unknown intentions to be revealed as she rises towards an elite position in her pack.

1.9  September - Saga D'Angelo

Our Spotlight Soul is Saga D'Angelo' (Vida)! Saga has been a driving force within Mistfell Vale since its inception, proving her worth by taking on co-ranks (and regularly improving upon them) and working hard to climb the prestigious Drakehund ranks as well. Saga's worth in the pack has certainly been noticed by her leaders too, who have recently promoted her into the council ranks! Way to go, Saga!

1.10  October - Cidro Amato de la Peña

Our Spotlight Soul for this month is Cidro Amato de la Peña (Abby)! Although Cidro is new, he's been super active within CdM by taking part in pack events, engaging his packmates in fun and interesting threads, and overall being a great, eager, and involved member. We're excited to see where this character goes next! :)

1.11  November - Mystery

Spotlight Soul for November is Mystery (Daniel)! Between the voices in their head, who they hear and interact with on a daily basis, and their non-binary gender identity, Mystery is not someone most canines in the area have ever encountered before. But while it's obvious that there's something different about them, Mystery is a kind and gentle soul - any interaction one might have with them is bound to be an interesting one!

1.12  December - Cedric Stryder

The Spotlight Soul for December is none other than Cedric Stryder (Jazzy), congratulations! Their player has done a fantastic job at playing this steadily developing character from a young puppy to adulthood, and they have consistently been one of Casa's top posters for months. They actively engage with pretty much every member of the pack, and we can't wait to see what more is in store for the young Stryder! Well done!