Birds of Prey

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  1.   1.  Speech
  2.   2.  Uses
  3.   3.  Types
    1.   3.1  Eagles
    2.   3.2  Falcons
    3.   3.3  Hawks & Harriers
    4.   3.4  Ospreys
    5.   3.5  Owls
  4.   4.  Notable 'Souls Individuals
  5.   5.  Sources

Birds of prey, sometimes called raptors, are carnivorous birds. They primarily hunt for their food via flight, but many species are known to be carrion eaters and scavengers, as well. Their talons and beaks tend to be relatively large, powerful and adapted for tearing flesh. In most cases, sexual dimorphism is marked: the females are considerably larger than the males.

Birds of prey have very good eyesight for finding food, strong feet for holding food, and a strong curved beak for tearing flesh. They also have strong curved talons for catching or killing prey. There are two different classes of raptor within 'Souls: the diurnal sorts, such as hawks, eagles, and falcons; and the nocturnal sorts, such as owls.

Many birds of prey migrate. Those that do not have specific migratory information listed are year-round residents of 'Souls.

Year-Round Residents: Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon (uncommon), Northern Goshawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Sharp Shinned Hawk, Osprey, Barred Owl, Great Horned Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Short-Eared Owl

Credit: Unknown Source

1.  Speech

According to our Speech Guide, this creature speaks Low Speech naturally. It is therefore not able to communicate with Luperci in its natural state. However, this creature is listed as having the ability to comprehend high speech, and may be able to learn to speak broken high speech.

2.  Uses

  • Food: tastes like chikin
  • Feathers: ---
  • Companionship: ---

3.  Types

3.1  Eagles

Eagles tend to be large birds with long, broad wings and massive feet. While there have been several golden eagles in the past, they are not a native species to the region, and should not be referenced within or around 'Souls.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: The plumage of an adult Bald Eagle is evenly dark brown with a white head and tail -- juveniles are brownish mottled with white, lacking the white head and tail The tail is moderately long and slightly wedge-shaped. Males and females are identical in plumage coloration. The Bald Eagle is a poor choice for falconry, being timid, prone to becoming highly stressed, and unpredictable in nature. Unlike some other eagle species, Bald Eagles rarely take on evasive or dangerous prey on their own. The species mainly target prey which is much smaller than themselves. They build huge nests that they tend and return to year-round.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: They prefer wetland habitat such as seacoasts, rivers, large lakes or marshes or other large bodies of open water with an abundance of fish.
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: February-May
  • Hatching Season: April-May
  • Fledge Season: June-July
Bald Eagle
Credit: Unknown Source

3.2  Falcons

Falcons are medium-size birds of prey with long pointed wings. Instead of building their own nests, falcons appropriate old nests of other birds, but sometimes they lay their eggs on cliff ledges or in tree hollows.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: The Peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 322 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high speed dive). Peregrine falcons feed on other birds, primarily -- including the American Kestrel and many varieties of songbird. Peregrins can crossbreed with the Merlin, as well as the Gyrfalcon (a non-native species) and other falcon species.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: The Peregrine Falcon lives mostly along mountain ranges, river valleys, coastlines, and in cities.
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: Passage visitor — it is found here primarily in migratory periods (spring and fall). As 'Souls' winters are relatively mild, however, year-round residents may be found.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---


Merlin (Falco columbarius)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: Merlins rely on speed and agility to hunt their prey. They often hunt by flying fast and low, typically less than 1 metre above the ground, using trees and large shrubs to take prey by surprise. But they can capture prey in the air, and will "tail-chase" startled birds. Throughout its native range, the Merlin is one of the most able aerial predators of small to mid-sized birds.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: Merlins inhabit fairly open country, such as willow or birch scrub, shrubland, but also taiga forest, parks, grassland such as steppe and prairies, or moorland. They are not very habitat-specific and can be found from sea level to the treeline.
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Credit: Unknown Source

American Kestrel

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Useful Information
  • Description:
    • Males have blue-grey wings with black spots and white undersides with black barring. The back is reddish-brown, with barring on the lower half. The belly and flanks are white with black spotting. The tail is also reddish-brown, with a white or reddish-brown tip and a black subterminal band.
    • The females’ back and wings are reddish-brown with dark brown barring. The undersides of the females are creamy to buff with heavy brown streaking. The tail is noticeably different from the male's, being reddish-brown in color with numerous narrow dark black bars.
    • Juveniles exhibit coloration patterns similar to the adults'.
  • Behavior: The American Kestrel hunts by hovering in the air with rapid wing beats or perching and scanning the ground for prey. Its diet typically consists of grasshoppers, lizards, mice, and other small birds. It nests in cavities in trees, cliffs, buildings, and other structures. The female lays three to seven eggs, which both sexes help to incubate.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---

3.3  Hawks & Harriers

Hawks and Harriers are a group of medium-sized raptors that come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. They are broken down into three types: accipiter (often smaller, broad-winged, but with a slender silhouette), buteo (aka “buzzards;” often larger, broad-winged and sturdy in build), and circus (aka “harriers;” long-winged with long narrow tails).

Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus)

Useful Information
  • Description: There are two types of colouration: a dark morph with fewer white areas and a light morph that is more pale overall. Rare dark morphs are a darker brown on both upperparts and underparts. The light morph of this bird is most likely to be confused with the Red-shouldered Hawk, but they have a longer, more heavily barred tail and wings with a solid rufous color in the adult which are usually distinctive.
  • Behavior: They breed in deciduous forests good for nesting and forage primarily in wetlands and meadows.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Broad-Winged Hawk
Credit: Unknown Source

Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)

Useful Information
  • Description: Small males are nearly identical in size to large female Sharp-shinned Hawks. Although the coloration is generally somewhat similar between Sharp-shinned Hawks and Cooper's Hawks, Cooper's appear broader-chested and larger headed, with generally more robust features.
  • Behavior: These birds capture prey from cover or while flying quickly through dense vegetation, relying almost totally on surprise. One study showed that this is a quite dangerous hunting style. The Cooper’s Hawk is seen mostly flying with quick, consecutive wing beats and a short glide, though they may also soar.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: Exclusively found in the far southwestern region of the Western Forefront.
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Cooper's Hawk
Credit: Unknown Source

Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: ---
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: Northern Goshawks can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests. They seem to only thrive in areas with mature, old-growth woods. Goshawks are often seen flying along adjoining habitat types, such as the edge of a forest and meadow; flying low and fast hoping to surprise unsuspecting prey.
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius)

Useful Information
  • Description: The adult male is sometimes nicknamed the "Grey Ghost", because of his striking plumage and spectral aura.
  • Behavior: This medium-sized raptor breeds on moorland, bogs, prairies, farmland coastal prairies, marshes, grasslands, swamps and other assorted open areas. The nest is built on the ground or on a mound of dirt or vegetation. Nests are made of sticks and are lined inside with grass and leaves. If a potential predator visits, both parents respond aggressively, issuing alarm calls and striking with talons. Fledgings are predated regularly, especially by Great Horned Owls. Short-eared Owls are natural enemies of this species that favor the same prey and habitat, as well as having a similarly broad distribution. Occasionally, both harriers and Short-eared Owls will harass each other until the victim drops its prey and it can be stolen.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Northern Harrier
Credit: Unknown Source

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)

Useful Information
  • Description: Though often confused for Red Tails, the Red-Shouldered Hawk is smaller and slimmer, with slimmer wings and a darker underside.
  • Behavior: While in forested areas, these birds typically wait on a perch and swoop down on prey. When in clearings, they sometimes fly low to surprise prey.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: Exclusively found in the southwestern region of the Western Forefront.
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Credit: Unknown Source

Red-tailed Hawk

Eastern Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis borealis)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: Competitors: Great Horned Owl, Rough-Legged Hawk, Northern Goshawk. Because they are so common and easily trained as capable hunters, the majority of hawks captured for falconry in the United States are Red-tails.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: Its preferred habitat is mixed forest and field, with high bluffs or trees that may be used as perch sites.
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: Yes — found more regularly during the spring and summer months; however, there are year-round resident birds as well.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 114-133 cm (45-52 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---

Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)

Useful Information
  • Description: It is easily distinguished by its feathered legs -- an anomaly amongst other Buteo hawks found in 'Souls. Compared to its more common cousin, the Red-tailed Hawk, it is slightly larger, though may be outweighed. The Red-tailed Hawk is chunkier-looking and differs in its darker head, broader, shorter wings, barring on the wings and the tail, dark leading edge to the wings (rather than black wrist patch) and has no white base to the tail.
  • Behavior: It is the only hawk of its size (other than the very different-looking Osprey) to regularly hover over one spot, by beating its wings quickly.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: Yes — found only during the winter months; it flies north to breed.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Rough-Legged Hawk
Credit: Unknown Source

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus)

Useful Information
  • Description: Smallest hawk in North America. Easily mistaken for the slightly larger and lankier Cooper's Hawk, which match the Sharp-shinned in plumage. In flight, the Cooper's, with its longer wings and larger head, is sometimes compared to a "flying cross"; whereas the broader-winged and smaller-headed Sharp-shinned is described as a "flying mallet".
  • Behavior: These birds surprise and capture all their prey from cover or while flying quickly through dense vegetation. They are adept at navigating dense thickets and many attacks are successful, although this hunting method is often hazardous to the hawk.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: Anywhere.
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---

3.4  Ospreys

The osprey is a large, fish-eating raptor with several unique adaptations to make them successful piscivores. They can be found in a number of different habitats so long as there are bodies of water nearby from which they can hunt.


Osprey (Pandion haliaetus carolinensis), aka western osprey, sea hawk, river hawk, fish hawk

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: The Osprey breeds near freshwater lakes, and sometimes on coastal brackish waters. Rocky outcrops just offshore are used. The nest is a large heap of sticks, driftwood and seaweed.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---

3.5  Owls

Owls are variable-sized, typically night-specialized hunting birds. They fly almost silently due to special feather structure to reduce turbulence. They have particularly acute hearing.

Barred Owl

Barred Owl (Strix varia)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: The Barred Owl's nest is often in a tree cavity. The Barred Owl is a very opportunistic predator. The principal prey of this owl are meadow voles, followed by mice and shrews of various species. The most significant predator of Barred Owls is the Great Horned Owl. This streaky, chunky-looking owl is unlikely to be confused over most of the range. Due to their fairly large size, the Barred Owl may be confused for the Great Horned Owl by the inexperienced but are dramatically different in shape and markings. The Spotted Owl is similar in appearance but has spots rather than streaks down the underside.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Generally Nocturnal, occasionally Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Barred Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

Great Horned Owl

Common/Eastern Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus virginianus)

Useful Information
  • Description: The Great Horned Owl is the heaviest extant owl in Central and South America and is the second heaviest owl in North America, after the closely related but very different looking Snowy Owl. The Long-eared Owl can be somewhat similarly marked and shares the feature of prominent ear tufts, but it is considerably smaller and more slender, with a grayish line running down the middle of the facial disc and with ear tufts located more closely to each other on the top of the head.
  • Behavior: Owls hunt mainly by watching from a snag, pole or other high perch, sometimes completely concealed by the dusky night and/or partially hidden by foliage. From such vantage points, owls dive down to the ground, often with wings folded, to ambush their prey. They also hunt by flying low over openings on the ground, scanning below for prey activity. The stiff feathering of their wings allows owls to produce minimal sound in flight while hunting.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range:
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Generally Nocturnal, occasionally Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Great Horned Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

Long-eared Owl

Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: It nests in trees, often coniferous, using the old stick nests of other birds. The Long-eared Owl hunts over open country by night. It is very long winged.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: The Long-eared Owl generally has different habitat preferences from the Short-eared, most often being found concealed in areas with dense wooded thickets. The Short-eared Owl is often most regularly seen flying about in early morning or late day as it hunts over open habitats. The Short-eared Owl also differs structurally from Long-eared, having longer, slimmer wings.
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: Yes — found only in the summer months during their breeding season.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Generally Nocturnal, occasionally Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Long-Eared Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)

Useful Information
  • Description: In relative size to other owls they are close to the size of an American Robin.
  • Behavior: These birds wait on a high perch at night and swoop down on prey. They mainly eat small organisms with a focus on small mammals in their diet.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: No — year-round resident.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Generally Nocturnal, occasionally Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: The Short-eared Owl nests on the ground in prairie, tundra, savanna, or meadow habitats. Nests are concealed by low vegetation, and may be lightly lined by weeds, grass, or feathers. Hunting occurs mostly at night, but this owl is known to be diurnal and crepuscular as well. Its daylight hunting seems to coincide with the high-activity periods of voles, its preferred prey. It tends to fly only feet above the ground in open fields and grasslands until swooping down upon its prey feet-first. Competition can be fierce with the Northern Harrier, with which the owl shares similar habitat and prey preferences. Both species will readily harass the other when prey is caught.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: No — year-round residents.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Generally Nocturnal, occasionally Diurnal & Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Short-Eared Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

Useful Information
  • Description: ---
  • Behavior: Both sexes attack approaching predators, dive-bombing them and engaging in distraction displays to draw the predator away from a nest. Competitors: Rough-legged Hawks, Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Short-eared Owls, and Great Horned Owls. They are normally dominant over other raptors although may (sometimes fatally) lose in conflicts to large raptors such as other Bubo owls, Golden Eagles and the smaller but much faster Peregrine Falcons.
    • Predation: ---
  • Habitat: ---
    • 'Souls Range: ---
  • Migration: Yes — found only during the winter months; it flies north to breed.
Quick Facts
  • Wingspan: 0-0 cm (0-0 in)
  • Size:
    • Males: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
    • Females: 0-0 kg (0-0 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Equally Diurnal (summer) & Nocturnal (winter)
  • Social Structure: Mated pairs
  • Nesting Season: ---
  • Hatching Season: ---
  • Fledge Season: ---
Snowy Owl
Credit: Unknown Source

4.  Notable 'Souls Individuals

Eagles & Falcons
Hawks & Harriers
Ospreys & Owls
Non-Native Raptors

5.  Sources

Categories: Fauna | Resources