Cour des Miracles Culture


This is a historical resource!

This page belongs to a former pack and is being kept for posterity. Adding relevant and accurate information is encouraged, but please do not delete this page.



Lower ranked members are expected to bow in varying degrees to higher ranking canines. Equals in rank have no need to bow to one another and it is not expected of a higher ranking canine to bow to one lower ranked. Serfs are expected to go down on bent knee in any situation. Puppies and Magistrates are exempt from this.


  • Duchesse Carmine acknowledges Seigneur Benjamin with a bob of the head, but Seigneur Benjamin bows low.
  • Comte Marcus bows fully at the waist to Roi Hollandase, who only nods in acknowledgement.
  • Seigneur Rarity and Seigneur Twilight Sparkle greet each other as equals with no bowing.


While we are a cohesive group, the Court very much embraces independent behavior and life. Often, the members are spread out and tend to interact out of friendship and duty. The Leaders promote this lifestyle but encourage loyalty to the Court in times of need and war.


From its first conception, the Court has been about accepting misfits that do not seem to fit in with other packs. This is largely thanks to its originally high dog and dog-hybrid population. It is still a place for misfits due to its independent nature, but the misfits tend to be of lawful or neutral natures versus dark or evil natures. The court does not discriminate based on species, though the leadership claims no influence over any members with species-biased prejudices.

Equine Culture

As part of the hierarchy focuses on animals and cultivation, the Court has a high number of horses available in the stables. Horse interaction is often expected of members, simply because they are incredibly useful and the Court has quite a few of them.


Along with proper shows of submission, all members of the Court are expected to properly address one another. Members should refer to one another by the formal rank and name combination until they have greeted one another. Whether or not the formal address continues into the meeting is dependent on the situation.

Title Reference List


Rank Title, Your Majesty

Grand Councilors

Rank Title, Your Highness, Your Grace, (My) Lord/Lady

High Level Nobles

Rank Title, Your Grace, (My) Lord/Lady

Middle and Low-level Nobles

Rank Title, (My) Lord/Lady, Sir, Madam, Miss


Rank Title, Your Honor


As they are children, titles are not typically used with puppies.


Rank Title, Name


Rank Title, Peon, Name, Insults (they are the punished)

Who to use it with

The leadership prefers that in public settings, honorifics are used to show respect to higher ranking wolves. In private, they are much more willing to dispense with the formalities, provided that both parties are approving of the casual nature. Friends are free to treat each other as they will, but the leaders do warn that showing improper disrespect to someone of a higher rank can cause some in character issues!

Higher ranking members will set the tone; if they choose to use honorifics, lower ranking members are likely expected to as well, until such a time the higher ranking canine slips into casual titles.

Equals are not obligated to use honorifics at all. Eg. The King and Queen may choose to address each other by name, EG two Seigneurs may use names freely with one another.

Using Honorifics

Various proper forms of address are:

  • Rank + Surname (ex. Queen Canine)
  • Rank + Full name (ex. Queen Dog Canine)
  • Rank + First name (ex. Queen Dog)
  • Your Majesty (Monarch only)


The Royalty holds final say on anything and everything in character, and if the Royal intervenes and passes a judgement different than the Grand-duc or Grand-Gardien, the ruler's say is final. Rarely, however, should this happen. It is encouraged to be familiar with the following policies;


Trespassing is taking seriously, though punishment varies for degree of intent. Mostly, you will be expelled from the pack. If you are a part of another pack, your pack leader will be notified of your transgression and there may or may not be an OOC consequence. Must adhere to the board-wide trespassing policies. Leaders ask to be informed about trespassing events prior to them happening.


Theft between members of the court is advised against. If the victim complains, punishment will be dispensed. If the other party does not report it or ask that no action be taken, the perpetrator will be let off with a warning. Theft of other pack's possessions is advised against as well. If a pack comes demanding the items return or punishment, the leadership will act on it. Theft of a loner's possessions is free reign.


Acts of war that are declared against Cour des Miracles will normally be countered with one of our own. However, CDM retains a policy of nonaggression, preferring to stay out of conflicts. Unless the situation requires action, CDM should be considered a neutral party in any war setting. Repeated offense against the kingdom will result in aggressive action, however.


If a member of the kingdom commits a murder, regardless of who the murdered party is, will be removed from the pack, by force if necessary. A returning murderer kicked out prior can be killed or maimed with no warning. In certain situations, the offender may be executed if the crime was severe enough or seen as a danger to society. This is a duty that usually the King or the Constable will perform.


Taken seriously, no one should cry rape and then say it was a joke. Rape is not taken lightly at all, with the offender being banished from the kingdom. If the offender returns, they may be branded or any other fitting punishment decided by the Royal House. In severe circumstances, executions are possible, if the crime is severe enough, just as kidnap and forced sexual relations.


Kidnapping of anyone outside of a war setting will be punishable with rank deductions, serfdom, or exile from the kingdom.


Slavery is treated with zero tolerance. Any enslaving or trading of slaves is severely punished by the leadership. Slavers may expect branding, exile, or even death in severe cases; severe cases usually involve sexual activity against will or mutilation. Slaves confiscated are freed and given all rights in the pack should they choose to stay.


Cérémonie de la Pierre

The Ceremony of Stone. When a pup is born into the pack, the parents are offered either a small, private ceremony or a public one if they so wish. It is suggested that the higher the rank, the more likely that the ceremony be done publicly.

For the ceremony itself, the parent(s) are presented with rocks that will fit in two hands that are often sea-smoothed and carved with the names of the pups born. These stones are then laid out against the wall of the meeting place so that the names of those born will be remembered.

Cérémonie de Verre

The Ceremony of Glass. When they turn 8 months, Princes and Princesses are presented with necklaces made of polished sea-glass to symbolize their entrance into adulthood. They are announced to the pack and they are expected to announce what they intend to pursue as they are now of age. It is not required that they do so at so early an age, but it helps packmates determine how they can best help teach them. The ceremony is concluded with either the sowing of flower seeds in the warm months or juniper berries in the winter to symbolize the vitality of the young by the new young adults.

Cérémonie de Fer

The Ceremony of Iron. When a canine reaches the higher levels of the Court, entering the Royal House or the Royal Court, they are honored with the Ceremony of Iron. Akin to the old traditions of Courts, they are tapped on both shoulders with a sword of iron. They are then presented with an item of use to their station or of high value depending on the rank. The ceremony denotes both the iron sword used and the steadfast and ironclad will that these members are expected to posses.

Cérémonie d'Argent

The Ceremony of Silver. This is the usual marriage ceremony with little variation. These are not necessarily required by the pack to declare mateships and are entirely voluntary. Silver in the form of jewelry is exchanged to denote the ceremony, though is not required if the ceremony is performed at all. Members of the pack are encouraged to attend and host the feast for the newlyweds.

Cérémonie d'Or

The Ceremony of Gold. When members of the Court die, they are honored with the ceremony. Depending on the season, members are encouraged to leave gold-themed items with the deceased, though it is mostly symbolic in name to honor a life lived. The services will often vary depending on the member's standing in the Court at the time of death, the wishes of the deceased's family, as well as the manner of death. Traitors do not receive the Ceremony of Gold and are not honored after death.

Category: Cour des Miracles