Serene Eternity

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Basics
    1.   1.1  Appearance
    2.   1.2  Essentials
  2.   2.  Relationships
    1.   2.1  Family
    2.   2.2  Relations
  3.   3.  Skills
  4.   4.  Residence
  5.   5.  NPCs
  6.   6.  History
    1.   6.1  Threads

by Kitty

Serene Eternity is a member of Salsola presently ranked as The Confidant.

Named Wretch D'Angelo at birth she is the daughter of Eris Eternity and Larkspur D'Angelo and littermate to Salvia Eternity and Pandemic D'Angelo, born in Anathema. Very early in life she was separated from her family by a terrible storm, lost her memories of her original family, and spent much of her formative years with her adopted Stormbringer family in Ichika no Ho-en before leaving the pack and traveling on her own. She was briefly enslaved by the Dawnrunner wolves but was rescued by her adopted uncle Gideon Stormbringer who brought her to Vinatta where she stayed until she recovered the memories of her early life.

She left Vinatta in search of her birth family and found them just across the bay in Salsola, which she joined in September 2014 despite her conflicting views that did not align with the pack's use of slaves. She later moved out to Salsola's Freetown Outpost and then again to the new Portland Outpost - following the fall of the Red Star - which was where she lived for a few years, helping out mainly with animal care and keeping inventory.

Serene returned to Salsola proper in December 2016 and - along with several other packmates - was attacked by a group of wolves that were later discovered to be a resurgence of the Boreas faction hell-bent on destroying Salsola. It did not take long for the Family to discover their hideout and in a joint effort with Inferni they were swiftly wiped out for good.

Life returned to some semblance of normalcy until April 2017 when a strange sickness struck the realm and nearly claimed Serene's life. It was through the exhaustive efforts of the Jagermiester and others that she was able to pull through and after a few weeks in recovery she was well again. Grappling with death caused her to rethink the course her life was taking and in an effort to make more out of it she changed her name and devoted herself to her pack and to her new mate.

When the Inferni-Salsola War started later in the fall, Serene did her best to be useful to the pack. She established a forward triage station along the eastern border and provided healing aid following the Battle of Drifter Bay. She eventually had to back away from the war when she realized she was pregnant and gave birth to her first litter - Sidious Eternity and Senua D'Angelo - at the end of October.





N P C s


  • Pronunciation: seh-reen
  • Nickname: Sere (see-ree)
  • Name Meaning:
    • "calm, peaceful, tranquil"
    • "infinite time"
  • Origin: English, Italian
  • Birth Name: Wretch D'Angelo
  • Name Meaning: "unfortunate"; "of the angel"



  • Pack: Salsola (09 Sept 2014)
  • Rank: Confidant (06 June 2017)
  • Co-rank: --

Salsola members may assume and reference the following without discussion/asking:

  • Seeing Serene...
    • around the territory, either alone or with Scorpius, Sidious, Senua, Vesta, or her NPCs
    • out at Marrgerd or Grimrun tending to the horses and animals
    • in the garden; watering, weeding, planting, picking
    • offering a smile in passing or briefly saying hello

1.  Basics

1.1  Appearance


  • Species: Although Serene is a heavily wolf-dominant hybrid a lot of her coyote genetics are fairly obvious when compared to her siblings who look much more wolf-like than she does. This is particularly obvious in her more slender and svelte build as well as slightly larger ears and a somewhat longer thinner tail.
  • Fur: Probably the most run-of-the-mill average thing about her; the typical double coat of a wolf. Thinner in the summer, thicker in the winter, and all around short and sleek though perhaps a little more soft and plush than average. This is hardly noticeable without close inspection.
    • Optime Hair: Kept slightly short and somewhat layered with a fringe that always falls over her eyes and tips that feather out a bit. She keeps her hair well groomed and maintained as she worries she wont take good care of it if it grows too long and unmanageable.
  • Facial Features: There isn't much worth noting about her face as it is very average looking and wolf-like with no particularly defining features aside from her slightly oversize coyote-like ears that belie the otherwise very wolf looking appearance she has in most forms.
  • Build and Size: Again there isn't much noteworthy about her size, which is quite average even as the runt of her litter. Due to a sheltered early life of sickness and injury however she doesn't carry herself at her full height and tends to appear much smaller than she actually is.
    • Lupus: In this form Serene looks very much like the hybrid she is with a notably long and slim body and lends to quickness and agility more than strength and power. Her somewhat oversize coyote-like ears and slightly longer coyote-like tail are more pronounced though she still looks very wolf-like everywhere else.
    • Secui: She appears somewhat gaunt and almost skinny in this form despite being much stronger and stockier than her lupus. Her fur lengthens considerably, especially around the neck and scruff, and her coyote traits disappear as the wolf traits are expressed more strongly. She doesn't like secui very much.
    • Optime: Serene is slim and slender and ever so slightly curvy in spite of her overall leanness. She does not look sickly or malnourished but tends to come off as fragile and delicate at first glance though she is sturdy and resilient at her core. She doesn't carry herself at full height and tends to hunch a little; an unshakable side-effect of her time in servitude.
  • Humanization: She is relatively humanized and enjoys the finer things in life from time to time, though she tends to favor simple and easy to maintain fabrics and garments over the more delicate and elegant fineries preferred by her family and packmates.

by Sie


  • Fur:
Westar (#DCD9D2)
Athens Gray (#EEF0F3)
Parchment (#F1E9D2)
  • Optime Hair:
Westar (#DCD9D2)
Athens Gray (#EEF0F3)
Parchment (#F1E9D2)
  • Eyes:
Curious Blue (#2596D1)
  • Nose, Pads, and Claws:
Cod Gray (#1B1A19)


90 lbs (41 kg)
30 in (76 cm)

Lupus (Uncommon)

Used very rarely and only ever if the situation absolutely calls for it for some reason.

166 lbs (75 kg)
36 in (91 cm)

Secui (Rare)

Used only when she absolutely must, most likely to protect herself as it is her strongest form.

185 lbs (84 kg)
6ft 4in (76 in) (193 cm)

Optime (Preferred)

Used almost exclusively as she prefers the use of her hands as opposed to trotting about on paws.


  • A brand of the number 77 on the back of her thigh
  • A small scar at the corner of her right eye
  • Whip scars on her back (most covered by fur)
  • Various cuts, scrapes, and bruises (most covered by fur)


  • A run-of-the-mill light blue sun dress she wears pretty regularly in the warmer months. It's the perfect length, ending just above her knees, and is light and airy.
  • She has a deep navy blue hooded poncho lined with plush rabbit fur. It is rather oversized and reaches down almost to her knees, serving her well in the winter and on inclement weather days.
  • For special occasions she has a handful of fine dresses of various colors and materials. She very rarely wears these.


  • Serene is almost never seen without her blue seaglass necklace. The two inch "stone" is held upon a black leather cord by silver wire. Despite not knowing where it came from, she treasures it deeply.
  • She also wears an intricate silver pendant set with a small oval shaped blue zircon gemstone on a shorter black leather cord that hangs closer to her throat.
  • She is also very rarely seen without her large leather satchel brimming with all sorts of items, mainly flowers and herbs. When she doesn't have her bag, she usually wears a leather belt with a pouch on each side to carry things.
  • She has a leather sling she is only decent at using. She normally keeps it loosely tied around the strap of her bag, on her belt, or around her waist as a makeshift belt. She usually keeps a couple of stones with her somewhere to go along with it, just in case she can't find any when she needs them.
  • She also has a small hunting knife that is duller than it should be and used more for utility than protection, but it could get the job done in defense if need be. She uses the knife more for cutting rope, thread, meat, and so on more than anything else.


Hover for Credit~

by Sie by Sie by Kitty

1.2  Essentials


AdorkableNo Social SkillsNot Good With PeopleHidden DepthsThe IdealistThe Unfavorite





  • Speech: Soft, sweet, and feminine. Not high or low. Often somewhat hushed.
    • Languages: Just English, though she has a good understanding of Italian and German.
  • Scent: Floral. Buttercup, goldenrod, bellflower, mallow, thistle. Honey, herbs, berries, carrots. Wintergreen. Rose.
    • Additional Scents: Salsola (pine, salt, marsh), her family, horses, birds, livestock, hay, bear.
    • Outsider Disguise: Woodsmoke, juniper, cedar, spruce, ash, pinecones, bark, wildflowers.
  • Quirks, Gestures, Etc.: Rambles when she's nervous, sometimes fidgets with her hands, twitches her tail.
  • General Posture and Body Language: Somewhat timid and closed off, avoids eye contact, keeps her ears back.


  • Outlook: Optimistic, Idealistic
  • Sociability: Introverted, Submissive
  • Expression: Calm, Gentle, Cheery
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Motivations: Pack, family, being useful, helping others, making things
  • Fears: Abandonment, enslavement, torture, frailty, death


  • Likes: Trees, plants, flowers, healing, poison, helping, sunshine, warmth, summer
  • Dislikes: Winter, cold, drought, scarcity, sickness, bullies, zealots, know-it-alls


  • Packs: Salsola supremacist, looks down on the other packs
  • Species: Prefers wolves and wolf hybrids, dislikes coyotes, jackals
  • Non-Luperci: Pitied as lowly animals that can't do anything
  • Gender: Believes in female superiority but males are stronger
  • Color: No particular preference, thinks all colors are pretty
  • Sexuality: Everyone is free to love whoever and whatever they like
  • Age: Respects elders and likes pups, thinks they should be protected


She is heterosexual and only interested in males. She used to have an aversion to large dominant highly masculine alpha type males but after meeting her mate Scorpius - which started out pretty rocky - she learned that type of male could also have a kind and gentle side. She is now deeply in love and a devoted mother. She couldn't be happier.


Serene is explicitly against substances she considers bad - alcohol, tobacco, etc. - and avoids them at all costs. She has a deep respect for natural poisons and works with them carefully. She also greatly believes in the healing power of herbs and other "good" plants. She does not condemn or look down upon anyone who partakes in the "bad" stuff though.


After living a life constantly moving around she never really cemented her belief in anyone's gods or deities. Though she is aware of organized religions - Norse, Khalifism, Coisricthe - she prefers to live a spiritual life, believing in light and dark forces, good and bad luck, fate, destiny, the "powers that be" and spirits.

2.  Relationships

2.1  Family

2.2  Relations


  • Scorpius D'Angelo is her mate. Though their relationship started out a little strained, he eventually earned her trust, and after saving her life from the mysterious sickness he earned her love. She completely adores Scorpius and devotes herself to being a good mate and mother to their offspring. She knows a side of him that no one else does.
  • Sidious Eternity is her son. Although he has bonded more closely to his father than her, she still loves all over him as much as she can and does her best to instill some of her softness into him before he becomes too hardened by his father's relentless training.
  • Senua D'Angelo is her daughter. They are very close and she adores her immensely. She does her best to give Senua what she considers a normal life - relatively free of the vicious political underbelly of Salsola - but at the same time this has sheltered her a little.


  • Salvia Eternity is her sister and former Boss. Although Serene grew to idolize her after seeing what a strong and powerful leader she had become, their relationship was still on the rocks after she returned to Salsola proper. She has since endeavored to get closer to her sister, especially now that the heavy weight of leadership is gone.
  • Pandemic D'Angelo is her brother. After discovering the strange relationship he began with their mother, Serene did her best to stay as far away from them both when she lived at the Outpost. She has no strong feelings for or against him, but is often offput by his presence.
  • Gideon Stormbringer is her adopted uncle. She spent much of her youth in his company and still remembers him fondly, though she has no idea where he is or if he's even still alive. She hopes he is well.

Other Relations

  • Katinka Holt is a sweet maid she rather quickly became friends with. They share a lot of things in common and it has aided in cementing their friendship. She likes her mate Khael too, even if she is a little creepy.
  • Kamari Kaiser is the daughter of slaves and an apprentice to Scorpius and Vesta, so she is often visiting the homestead and spending time with the family. She adores the young hybrid and is often inadvertently mothering her whenever she can.

Minor Relations

3.  Skills

Key: Dabbler --> Apprentice --> Journeyman --> Master

  • Education and Learning: --
  • Botany, Poison, Healing (Master):
  • Weaving, Spinning (Journeyman):
  • Candlemaking (Journeyman):
  • Cooking (Apprentice):
  • Diplomacy (Apprentice):
  • Sling (Dabbler):

4.  Residence

Serene lives with her family and Vesta in a large hunting cabin on the western edge of The Ruins.

5.  NPCs



Can be Referenced...

Midnight (percheron horse)

  • Gender: Mare
  • Species: Percheron Horse
  • Date of Birth: May 2008
  • Onboard?: Yes
  • Size:
    • Height: 16hh (64in; 163cm)
    • Weight: 1500lbs (907kg)
  • Key Features: Purebred
  • Coloration: Blue Roan
    • Deep dark blue-grey with black legs, head, mane, tail
    • Black dorsal stripe, leg barring; bright blue eyes

Salsola members may assume:

  • Seeing Midnight with Serene or Scorpius


Skills & Abilities

  • Rider trained, sure footed, with high stamina.
  • Cart trained, capable of pulling small loads.
  • Broodmare, good carrier of foals.


Around Serene, Scorpius, and the rest of their family Midnight is very tame, good-natured, and easy to handle. She enjoys spending time with the luperci closest to her just as much as being alone and since becoming a mother has grown much more affectionate than in the past. She is still nonetheless strong-willed though levelheaded, tough and fearless, sure-footed, dependable, and quick. She loves to run freely whenever she can but is equally comfortable with a saddle and rider, though she will let you know when she's had enough. Around anyone else she deems untrustworthy she is a force to be reckoned with. Any stranger attempting to handle her will find her hard to control, unruly, and ignorant of commands or direction and anyone who attempts to ride her will likely receive a swift kick, buck, or bite.


  • Acquired by Scorpius via trade with Saul Stormbringer
  • Broken and trained by Scorpius while he was in Anathema
  • Brought with him on his self-imposed exile, then to Salsola
  • Gave birth to Onyx in 2015
  • Gave birth to Soot in 2018
  • Given to Serene when she turned 10 years old

Soot (grade horse)

  • Gender: Colt
  • Species: Grade Horse
  • Date of Birth: March 2018
  • Onboard?: Yes
  • Size:
    • Height: 16hh (64in; 163cm)
    • Weight: 1500lbs (907kg)
  • Key Features: Percheron x Rocky Mountain
  • Coloration: Solid Black
    • All black with a tiny white star on his forehead
    • Very long mane and tail, often trimmed back

Salsola members may assume:


Skills & Abilities

  • Groundwork starting soon
  • Prospective stud and war horse




Flurry (snowy owl)

  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Snowy Owl
  • Date of Birth: 2015
  • Onboard?: Yes
  • Size:
    • Length: 24in (61cm)
    • Wingspan: 54in (137cm)
    • Weight: 3lbs (1kg)
  • Key Features: Brother of Cosme
  • Coloration: Standard
    • Snowy white with minimal black barring
    • Bright yellow eyes, very sharp talons

Salsola members may assume:

  • Seeing Flurry with Serene or patrolling pack territory alone


Skills & Abilities

  • Understands high speech but speaks only a few words
  • Spying, scouting, tracking, hunting, pest control
  • Companionship, he's a very good listener




  • Half of a pair brought to Salsola's Portland Outpost
  • Fell into a state of decline after his brother was claimed and taken
  • Bonded with Serene after she nursed him back to health
  • Returned with her to Salsola proper

6.  History


Pack Ranks
Dec 15 2010 - ??
Kinshou Yokai
Ichika no Ho-en
?? - ??
July 27, 2012 - August 2012

Wretch, Salvia Eternity, and Pandemic D'Angelo were born in the winter of 2010 in Anathema. She was seperated from her family and swept away during a thunderstorm.

Wretch was taken in as a pup by Saul Stormbringer of Ichika no Ho-en, and was raised there. She had many injuries as a pup and grew up in a very sheltered environment due to that. She had her leg broken twice in her first year of life and was attacked just beyond Ichika's borders three times before she chose to leave it.

Wretch lost her traveling partner Tawny and could not find her. She also chanced across an abandoned pup outside of Ichika when she went back to see if her father Saul had returned there. Wretch left the lands to live her own life for a while, and soon tired of the pup that she carried with her. It was very needy and difficult for her to care for, so she gave it to a mated couple who had always wanted to have children but never could.

Wretch then went in search for somewhere to live, perhaps more permanently. She stumbled into the camp of the Dawnrunner wolf clan and was perceived to be an enemy spy. She was taken captive and made to work, and was whipped and beaten if she could not. Wretch noticed one canine that continually seemed to be popping up around the Dawnrunner territory, but never made any effort to communicate with her other than a quick, occasional smile.

Wretch had been worked nearly to the point of exhaustion by the time she was rescued. Gideon Stormbringer, her uncle, had somehow discovered her whereabouts and broke into the camp during the night to try and free her. He managed to grab her and escape, but not without confrontation. He fought off two canines before suffering a sneak attack from a third who had wielded two daggers against him. He barely escaped with his life.

Since that day, Wretch and Gideon have been recovering and gaining supplies for the trip back to Nova Scotia. They left Ascher and Shiloh behind in Stormbringer territory, inviting them to return to Nova Scotia if they could get a break from the fighting.

6.1  Threads

2016 & 2017 & 2018