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Date of Birth
Subspecies0% Canis species subspecies
50% Canis species subspecies
LuperciYes (Ortus/Verto) or no
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Lil Bit was born on a farm maintained long after humans disappeared. The dogs, all non-luperci, were able to continue raising animals for food, and also to trade with travellers that passed by. Plagued by chronic over-population, conditions were poor at best. The infant-mortality rate was high, and the average life-span was limited. Nonetheless, Lil Bit was just one of a dozen puppies. Functioning as a family-like system, the farm dogs were led by a Mother and a Father; by virtue of their age, they were the most experienced individuals, and the best suited to make executive decisions for the family. The farm dogs would typically address family members as either Aunt and Uncle, or Brother and Sister, depending on their relation to each other; Key would refer to those two years or more older as the former, while everyone else was assigned the latter. This type of familial structure solidified her position of subordination and lack of individuality, neither of which bothered Lil Bit, who was simply happy to have survived puphood.

Born in the summer, there was little hope that she, or her littermates, would make it through the harsh winter that year. As non-luperci, although their use of technology was limited, Lil Bit was taught how to raise livestock and guard them from predators. Just as winter rolled around, when their resources were stretched thin, and many doubted the puppies of the summer litter would make it through, a mysterious Luperci traveling through offered to purchase them and several other pups. Mother and Father quickly agreed, exchanging the puppies for enough grain to feed the livestock for the winter, thus ensuring that the remaining family members would survive through to spring. With the puppies into a newly emptied horse drawn cart, they were whisked off to be sold at auction.

Lil Bit was sold to an older Luperci who lived in a small, tight-knit pack that followed a conservative social hierarchy. Their small, isolated clan required new blood to prevent inbreeding, and it was expected that Lil Bit would help in that endeavor. Her education shifted from raising livestock to raising puppies, despite being not much older than one herself. Trained in domestic chores, she learned how to turn a den into a home, how to gather food from traps or by fishing while the males of the pack hunted, which plants were useful for healing minor wounds or illnesses, and which ones were poisonous and should be avoided. She became adept at using her fingers to sew clothes from animal skins, or make beads from porcupine quills. She also learned that hands were for holding; an activity which she enjoyed very much. Most importantly, she learned how to care for her future mate's wants and needs.

The Luperci who bought Lil Bit intended her to carry his son's puppies, although it would be some time before they would be of age. Raised alongside her betrothed, she was acutely aware of her foreign identity among a pack of familiar dogs, and her role to serve. Her destiny did not particularly suite her, but it was still an improvement from the fate she would have suffered had she stayed on the farm. Here, there was plenty of food to go around. Everyone was productive and in good health. The sense of prosperity, albeit mundane, was a luxury Lil Bit had never experienced, and she was eager to explore it to its fullest.

At best she was complacent, but it was the way she went about doing things that caused her trouble. Often she would inadvertently wreak so much havoc that her peers actively went out of their way to prevent her from helping with chores and tasks.


Genki Girl The Pollyanna



  • Parents





Lil Bit is a smaller than average, vaguely cattle dog dominant Luperci. She is strong boned, rugged, and capable looking, with several scars to prove her mettle despite her youth. Her base coat is white, and the speckled pattern is subtle yet intriguing. Only one eye is very minimally heterochromatic, and one ear tips over in a very adorable way, due to a now-healed injury. She has unruly hair that is almost always braided, lest she look like a madwoman... More than she already does.
