Indis Nartholiel


Credit: Despi


  • Date of Birth: December 10th, 2016
  • Sex: Female
  • Species: Wolfdog
  • Luperci: Ortus


Former Packs

OOC Information



Indis lives stuck in a dichotomy between the past and present. Her parents dreamt of her living a noble life, while Indis often hovers hidden in her own thoughts. When she left Old Caledonia she was taken in by a cult named Sanctuary where she lived for almost an entire year under the control of its leader, Pax. Escaping from them was an ordeal, one that left her with a foggy memory and the inability to connect or trust easily. Because of this she can be difficult to know, and triggering her anger can force an eruption of brutal energy that leaves her unable to control her actions.

Despite her outbursts she is a mostly timid woman who often stutters or finds difficulty when finding her words. She can struggle to remember simple things that have happened in the short term, or forgets the order of her history. Her time with the troupe was cherished and even though the pressures of New Caledonia saw her abandoning it for Portland she is proud of what her family has accomplished and is eager to attempt to make a life for herself now with Amon.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo augue quis elit tristique viverra. Praesent sed pretium tortor, at iaculis elit. Etiam posuere ex et dapibus rutrum. Aenean ut tortor elementum leo auctor pulvinar. Maecenas luctus nunc vel erat commodo, non dignissim ante dignissim. Nam eleifend lorem nec libero tristique, quis tempor odio facilisis. Nunc a aliquam est, ac aliquam nulla. Sed tincidunt maximus elit, sed cursus nunc placerat mollis. Pellentesque erat ligula, congue sed diam quis, tincidunt sodales neque. Pellentesque euismod eu odio et sagittis. Cras eu neque et orci elementum convallis. Aenean semper felis nec dolor suscipit interdum.

Cras eu dictum urna, non sagittis purus. Curabitur pulvinar blandit nunc, eget ornare mi consectetur ut. Praesent sed libero pretium, interdum nisl eget, placerat tortor. Aenean hendrerit maximus mattis. Quisque tempus quis ante et suscipit. Vivamus tempus mauris vitae mauris malesuada, non posuere ligula pellentesque. Duis non lacinia magna. Aenean id diam vestibulum, porta arcu a, venenatis est. Etiam non pulvinar risus. Aliquam id hendrerit ipsum. Praesent ut nisi urna. Cras faucibus tellus velit, a ultrices orci convallis ac.

--ft (-- cm) ↔ -- lbs (-- kg)--ft (-- cm) ↔ -- lbs (-- kg)--ft (-- cm) ↔ -- lbs (-- kg)


Immediate Family

* denotes relation is unknown to character


Animal Husbandry: Indis has a knack for working with animals, and tends to understand them better than most people. In the Sanctuary, Indis often worked in the stable and practiced her riding - but in the wake of her accident has forgotten some of the finer aspects of this skill.

Combat: Trained by her father in secui combat, Indis does well in her most feral of forms. She dabbled in fighting with a sword, but eventually landed on utilizing an axe. She is a competent fighter despite her timid demeanor and is able to defend herself quite well - she is faster than she looks.

Detailed Relationships

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  • Current: n/a
  • Previous: n/a
  • Current: n/a
  • Inactive: n/a
Animal NPCs
  • Current: Billiam (Horse)
  • Inactive:


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By Owl by San by KiriBy Owl


Indis Nartholiel is the only daughter of the High King and Queen Consort of New Caledonia. Indis and her brother Solas were brought up in Old Caledonia by their mother and her hand maidens. Indis is pledged to the Aegas Clan, just as her family before her. Indis is known for her quiet disposition and is known for being quite an impressionable young girl.

In the peace that came before war, and alongside her brother Solas she studied Dúr and Nín – always aware of the way her parents interacted with their faith.

When she turned two, Indis decided to explore in the wake of her brother abandoning their home. The rumors surrounding the Nartholiel children abounded in the wake of their absence – with some members of the clan questioning the motives behind their disappearances.

Time went on, and as Old Caledonia was destroyed by war, Indis discovered Sanctuary.

It was Hortensia who found her first, a stout woman teeming with a warmth that seeped through to her very bones. Hortensia was eager to bring Indis back to her home, explaining that Sanctuary was always open to those that needed a place to find themselves and rest – and as it was Indis was lost in unfamiliar territory.

There she met Pax, the groups leader – and her life changed forever. She was given a new name and a new role - that of Calliope.

In late 2019 she escaped, and is now headed towards Nova Scotia.

After finding New Caledonia she struggled to settle into the new life her parents tried to force upon her, and so she left in order to build The Citadel in Portland. While there, she started a relationship with the quiet mountain of a man, Amon.?