Céleste Sadira

Céleste Sadira is the daughter of an Australian Shepherd dog named Claude Benoît Fauchelevent, and traveling wolf Din. She and her siblings were born mid-August 2011 on the southeastern coast of the United States, and were primarily raised by their French-speaking aunt Paquette. She will be joining Cour des Miracles.

Céleste Sadira

Concept art by Miyu


NPC of Lullaby


Date of Birth

13 August 2011




Birth place

United States



50% Canis lupus (Wolf)
50% Canis lupus familiaris (Dog)


50% Dog; Aussie and Corgi
43.75% Arctic Wolf
6.25% Eastern Timber Wolf




Pack Cour des Miracles
Rank yet to join


Mates Characters
Packs (Mon YYYY - Mon YYYY)
Omicron, Phi, Beta, Delta



  • Optime Hair: combines all her fur colors in uneven streaks/highlights
  • Eyes: Left is Ziggurat (#B9DCDF), right is Tabasco (#AD1511).
  • Nose and Pads: Marbled Oriental Pink (#CD9888) and Cocoa Brown (#2E231F).
  • Fur:
    • Base shade of Alto White (#DBDBDB).
    • Heavy Zeus (#0D0B0A) markings on her right side, patch over right eye/ear, beauty mark, hind leg "boots".
    • Merled with Dusty Grey (#999999) patches along her right side, spots on her ears, forelegs, both eyebrows.

Céleste draws her mottled colors from her father's merle gene and her mother's piebald patterning. She has a curious two-toned appearance as a result: her left side is predominantly white with pale silver accents, and by contrast her right side is mottled dark with shades of grey and black. Her heterochromatic eyes complete the illusion, with her left eye a pale ice-blue, and her right eye ruby red. One spot of black falls on her muzzle, mimicking a beauty mark. Her nose, pawpads, and lips are also affected by the pigmentation, appearing a warm shade of pink splotched with brown.

While her colors are drawn from both sides of the family, Céleste's build strongly takes after her Australian Shepherd bloodline. She was born with no tail and floppy ears, along with the thick double coat of fur her herding ancestry granted her. Her arctic wolf influence has only improved on this, making her resistant to the elements and impervious to cold.


Personality will be determined by adopter. Céleste grew up speaking French, so English is her second language and she may not be as fluent. Céleste could have a connection to the supernatural (her mother told fortunes, her aunt could see ghosts, her grandfather had premonitions).


When littermates Claude, Gringoire, and Paquette came of age in Tampa, they decided to travel as a group and see the world. In 2011 a lone wolf named Din was traveling along the coastline, and fell in with the Benoît Fauchelevent siblings for a spell. The brothers Claude and Gringoire were both enamored with her and fought for her affections. Din enjoyed the attention, and when she went into heat, she secretly mated with both of them with no intention of ever choosing one over the other. (In truth, Din was most interested in their sister, Paquette.) When the passionate brothers discovered her pregnancy, they flew into a jealous rage. In the heat of the moment Gringoire was killed, leaving Claude to lie about his brother's whereabouts and claim Din as his rightful mate.

The traveler gave birth to three pups, and Claude assumed all three were biologically his own. However, Din soon grew bored of parenthood without the excitement of the brothers' romantic rivalry. She eventually drifted off again, leaving her son and daughters with scarce memories of her, intending them to be raised by Claude and his sister Paquette. Without his brother or his lover to show for it, Claude wanted nothing to do with the puppies anymore, and so the responsibility fell on Paquette's shoulders. She raised her nieces and nephew to speak more French than English, and eventually they too came of age and set off to travel.

  • Adult history to be determined by adopter!


Key Relations

  • Paquette is her aunt, who took up the role of replacement mother.
  • Claude Benoît Fauchelevent was an emotionally distant father figure, who largely ignored the pups.
  • Further relationships to be added by adopter!

Family: Sadira x Benoît Fauchelevent

Other Relations


  • Character? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a mauris at tortor consectetur semper eu sit amet dui. Aenean pellentesque ultricies orci eget rutrum. Cras adipiscing mi ut nibh volutpat condimentum. Aliquam semper posuere elit eget scelerisque. Curabitur massa nibh, ultrices vitae semper sed, tristique at ipsum. Duis sed tellus neque. Integer vestibulum dolor id eros porttitor hendrerit.

Family Relations

  • Character? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a mauris at tortor consectetur semper eu sit amet dui. Aenean pellentesque ultricies orci eget rutrum. Cras adipiscing mi ut nibh volutpat condimentum. Aliquam semper posuere elit eget scelerisque. Curabitur massa nibh, ultrices vitae semper sed, tristique at ipsum. Duis sed tellus neque. Integer vestibulum dolor id eros porttitor hendrerit.

Minor Relations

  • Friendly: None atm.
  • Unfriendly: None atm.
  • Sex: None atm.
  • Fights: (won) None atm.
  • Fights: (lost) None atm.
  • Murders: None atm.

Former Relations

  • Character? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a mauris at tortor consectetur semper eu sit amet dui. Aenean pellentesque ultricies orci eget rutrum. Cras adipiscing mi ut nibh volutpat condimentum. Aliquam semper posuere elit eget scelerisque. Curabitur massa nibh, ultrices vitae semper sed, tristique at ipsum. Duis sed tellus neque. Integer vestibulum dolor id eros porttitor hendrerit.