Player Name

Player Name
by Kiri (cite image source here)


  • Contact Method: Handle (Preferred)
  • Forum Profile: OOC Account

Pronouns: He/Him/She/Her/They/Them
Location: Location
Birthday: DD Mmm YYYY
Joined: DD Mmm YYYY
Slots: -/1

Introduction blurb! Keep this a little bit brief~ Keeping the space above and below this blurb will maintain a nice little buffer! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Role-Playing Information

  • Current Reply Speed: Fast / Moderate / Slow

Information with your roleplaying muse, and what to expect when writing with you. What kind of plots do you like? How fast do you generally reply? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.


  • OOC Endings/Gravedigging:

Do you like OOC Endings? Will you gravedig for old threads, or do you not like that? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.

  • Mature Themes:

Do you write spicy things, or would you prefer not to do so? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.

  • LASKY:

How do you feel about LASKY threading? Do you avidly post there, or not so much? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.


Cowboy Simulator Spooky Mafia Game of Thrones but Dogs The Questionable Knights of the Round Table

Active Characters

by Kiri


Rank of Loners
  • Open / Closed for Threads

Character blurb here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.

  • (Thread Count: ## | Post Count: ##)
by Kiri


Rank of Loners
  • Open / Closed for Threads

Character blurb here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia sem ornare nisl malesuada commodo. Donec blandit metus congue nisl varius venenatis. Praesent pulvinar sagittis iaculis. Aenean quis tempor odio, ut tincidunt sapien. Donec sit amet rutrum sapien. Aliquam tincidunt porta feugiat. Praesent pellentesque ut mauris nec fringilla.

  • (Thread Count: ## | Post Count: ##)

Inactive Characters

(See my Category? for more details!)


» cNPCs

» Non-canine NPCs

Inactive Characters
Deceased Characters

Leave me a message!
  • Message Here

Player's Active Character Navigation
Played Characters? CharactersCharacters
yNPCs Characters

Footnotes and Usage Guide

Header Section

Use this template at your leisure! This section (which can be deleted, easy-peasy, while filling out) is just intended to assist players when putting together their profiles.

  • Keep things short and sweet in areas like the greeting, or when breaking down sections like RP Preferences - not only will it be much easier for other players to digest, but it assists in maintaining spacing so things don't stretch out excessively~ Alternatively, if you don't have much to say, you can omit certain preferences (like deleting the Lasky section, or removing link sections) to keep things neat and tidy!
  • Consider making yourself a Category! This way, players can check out characters, areas, and pages that are directly linked to your creation via your tags on character pages (i.e., the double bracket at the bottom of the editing page: On this specific page, it says !Templates, indicating that when you search the Templates category, this will pop up!)
  • Under "Contact", remember to actually fill in what the contact method is (Discord, Email, Twitter, etc) and then your handle.
  • Under the "Links" section, it's easy to get carried away, or, have nothing at all! In the case that you do not have any links, you can omit this entire section by deleting it, and instead widen your Roleplay information by changing the responsive width from lfx66 to lfx100. Simple! When citing your links, try to keep things short and sweet - Having an Adoptable page will keep all your adopts organized in one area rather than listing everything off to one side, which will stretch things out, or consider adding a drop-down like in the "Inactive Characters" section!

Active and Inactive Character Sections

  • If your images for your characters are large, don't hesitate to cut them down by surrounding the image with the % width=200px % bracket, like so (Additionally, adding the quotations at the end of your image will give credit to the artist on hover, which is a generous thing to do~):
%width=150px%"by Kiri!"%%
by Kiri!
  • The current set up for the Active Characters section allows for two characters to be displayed side by side. When breaking onto a new line, look for my "Comment" line, which coincides next to the following:

This will guarantee a line break, I like to add an additional space with an 'enter' beneath the line break, and then add the next character with:

>>lfx20 clear p0<<

The 'clear' indicates that the new characters will display cleanly on a fresh line!

  • Beneath the NPC drop downs, there are sections for Canine NPCs (which can either be on NPC pages, or Characters pages, whichever you chose), and for Non-Canine NPCs. In the case of Non-Canine NPCs, I generally utilize the character's pages themselves, and an anchor to the companion in question - these links should look like Characters/CharacterName#npc|NPC Name. Simple!

Utilizing the Footer

  • Remember to replace "Playername" in the anchors (PlayernameFooterNav and PlayernameFooterNavEnd), otherwise the footer will not show up on your character pages properly.
  • Played Characters Link and NPCs Link on this template appear as Players/Player#activecharacters|Played Characters. Simply plug in your wiki's name (in my case, it would be Players/Despi#activecharacters|Played Characters), and every time someone clicks on that link in the footer, it will take them to your wiki profile and the active characters you are playing.
  • Plugging in NPCs is easy! Just copy paste from your NPCs section.
  • To get the footers to show up on all your characters pages, input the following at the bottom of your page:
(:include Players/PlayerName#PlayernameFooterNav#PlayernameFooterNavEnd:)
Category: Templates