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  1.   1.  Speech
  2.   2.  Uses
  3.   3.  Types
    1.   3.1  Pig
  4.   4.  Feral vs. Domestic
  5.   5.  Sources

Pigs can be found as both domesticated, Livestock animals, as well as wild game on 'Souls. Because of their versatile and largely indiscriminate diet, domesticated pigs would have been able to easily thrive even after the fall of man. Time has, naturally, allowed both domestic and feral groups to intermix indiscriminately or become more distinct from one another. So, depending on their environment and ancestral proximity to human settlements, the pigs of 'Souls may very well look more synonymous with what we're used to seeing in domestic pigs, or, may look more like their wilder, Eurasian ancestors of old.

As with most domesticated animals formerly maintained by humans though, specific "types" of this species are likely to have interbred significantly. Breeds are no longer in existence: however, traits of these particular breeds (the most frequently reared) are likely to persist in the wild landrace of this type of animal found in 'Souls. Without selective breeding, formerly domesticated animals would breed indiscriminately. Over a few generations, it's likely they would begin to revert to their former wild type and lose some of the characteristics enforced by humans and breeding. While not enough time has passed for all selectively bred traits to disappear entirely, it's likely many of these traits have become blended into one another.

1.  Speech

According to our Speech Guide, this creature speaks Low Speech naturally. It is therefore not able to communicate with Luperci. This creature is listed as having the ability to learn some limited comprehension of high speech, but generally will never be able to speak it.

2.  Uses

  • Food: Meat from a domestic pig is often referred to as pork, whereas meat from a feral or wild pig is often distinctly referred to as wild boar. As pig bones are prone to splintering and cracking, they are often best only used for making stocks.
    • Pork meat is said to be slightly sweet, but savory. It has a firmer texture than chicken, but is soft and tender overall.
    • Wild boar meat is said to have a stronger flavor than pork, often noted to be intensely sweet and nutty. Compared to pork, the meat is leaner and tougher, and has a darker red hue. The texture is more similar to beef than pork.
    • Roasted pigs' ears are a common favorite amongst canines.
  • By-Products:
    • Brushes: Their short, bristly hair can be used to make paintbrushes.
    • Pelts and hides: As with any animal, hides and pelts can be made from them.
      • Leather: Durable, their leather is lighter and thinner than those made from cattle. It is also more pliable, and does not stiffen even after getting wet.
    • Glue: Made from boiling connective tissues (skin, tendons, bones, hooves, etc.).
      • Hoof Glue: Best used for wooden surfaces; does not leave any visible marks.
  • Companionship: Despite often being reared for food purposes, pigs can be kept as companions as well.
    • Foraging: Their sense of smell and foraging tendencies makes them excellent for finding truffles.

3.  Types

3.1  Pig

Pig (Sus)

Useful Information
  • Terminology:
    • Gilt (female, has never had a litter), Sow (female, has had at least 1 litter)
    • Boar (male), Hog (male, castrated)
    • Piglet (young pig)
  • Description: Pigs have notably large heads and ears, and have a short neck. They have a long, broad snout with a blunted end that is used for digging and otherwise rooting around their environment. These snouts also allow them to have an incredible sense of smell. Their feet have four hoofed toes, "with the two larger central toes bearing most of the weight, and the outer two also being used in soft ground." Their body, while long, stout, and barrel-like, can be surprisingly quick and agile, making them hard to catch. Color-wise, domesticated and feral pigs have a wider range of colors and markings than wild pigs do, which are typically a grizzly brown. Feral and wild piglets may have stripes that they eventually grow out of as they age. In general, pigs have short and course fur/hair, which may be noticeably longer and denser in feral or wild pigs than more domesticated ones. Feral and wild pigs are often more leggy than their more domesticated counterparts as well. As all pigs have tusks, it would behoove a Luperci to be wary of how dangerous they are, as well as how easily they can cut through flesh.
  • Behavior: Overall, pigs are hardy animals, and, while they may not naturally form large herds, they are still social, and often seek the company of other pigs or animals. They can be playful just as much as they can be lazy, and can be quite intelligent and cleanly despite the stigma often associated with their appearance and mud-wallowing (which is actually due to pigs being unable to sweat). Feral and wild pigs are notably more aggressive and "wild," however, all three can be equally destructive of their environments due to their foraging behavior.
    • Noises: Their noises consist primarily of grunts, squeals, barks/oinks, huffs, and snorts.
    • Predation: Though their speed and agility often makes them hard to catch, extremely domesticated pigs often make for easier targets by predators than those that are more feral and are more prone to using their tusks to fight back when cornered.
  • Food: Omnivorous, pigs will eat both plants and animals, to include bones and even cannibalizing each other alive. Left to their own devices, pigs are foragers, and have a diet that primarily consists of leaves, twigs, bark, shoots, roots, tubers, bulbs, fruits and berries, flowers, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, and insects. They can be fed eggs, and those that are more domesticated may eat more grains and vegetables than those untamed by Luperci. Pigs that have had a taste for blood and meat may be more prone to attack and actively consume other animals. Their consumption of meat often consists of mostly small animals such as newborns, grounded birds, reptiles, or other small mammals, as well as carrion. Treats can include apples, berries, squash, cooked potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, pitted fruits, and much more!
  • Habitat: A highly versatile and adaptable animal, pigs can be found in nearly any type of environment so long as they are able to forage. Swamps, scrublands, forests, and pastoral areas are more popular places to find them thriving.
    • 'Souls Range: Feral populations are virtually everywhere. Concentrated areas include Seabreeze Brink, especially in the forested areas.
Quick Facts
  • Lifespan: 15-20 years
  • Activity Pattern:
  • Social Structure: Inter-mixed groups
  • Heat Cycle: Every 21 days
  • Birthing Season: Year-round
  • Gestation: 4 months
  • Length: 88-198 cm (35-78 in)
  • Height: 51-97 cm (20-38 in)
  • Weight: 77-318 kg (170-700 lbs)

4.  Feral vs. Domestic

Domestic Pig (Sus domesticus)
Domestic Pig

Seen more around areas of sophistication, these pigs often hold traits more similar to their domestic ancestors. They may be large, and more long-bodied than their wild counterparts. Their legs are typically stouter, and their skin and fur/hair have a greater variety in color and texture. They can come in pinks, greys, blacks, browns, reds, creams, golds, tans, and blondes. When not a solid color, their markings can range widely, from various head markings to spots to broad patches, as well as vertical belts around the stomach or shoulders. Their ears can be pricked or droopy/floppy, and their tails can be curly or straight. While most maintain thin, short, bristly hair, curly hair is not unheard of, even if rare. Domestic pigs may be largely docile, though can show a variety of personality in general.

Their meat is distinctly different from wild boars.

Feral Pig
Feral Pig

In human times, feral pigs were often referred to as pigs that had escaped or otherwise gone wild, or to refer to a hybrid of a domestic and wild pig. These types of pigs ran rampant in the United States and southern Canada, and are likely to be more prominent in present time and areas removed from settlements of sophistication. Their body shape, size, and variety in coloration and markings may put them more on par with domesticated pigs, however, their temperament is typically more in line with wild pigs; cautious, alert, and aggressive. Those with longer, denser hair may be better acclimated for thriving on their own in playable 'Souls' colder environment than those that hold truer to their domesticated roots. Without relying on Luperci for shelter, food, or protection, feral pigs are generally more active during twilight hours (dawn and dusk) or are nocturnal, though, they may very well be active during normal hours of daylight, particularly during the leaner seasons of autumn and winter.

Their meat is more similar to wild boar.

Wild Boar (pig) (Sus scrofa)
Wild Boar

Pigs that have never been domesticated or have long since bred out their domesticated roots, this wild variety thrives as nature intended of them from the start. Wild pigs have notably longer, more streamline heads than domesticated pigs, which have a blunter snout. Wild boars are also covered in short, dense, coarse hair that is usually a grizzly brown coloration. Their bodies may be more compact, and their legs are typically longer and more powerful. Their tails do not curl. Wild boars are aggressive, cautious, and alert. They more active during twilight hours (dawn and dusk) or are nocturnal, though, they may very well be active during normal hours of daylight, particularly during the leaner seasons of autumn and winter.

Their meat is distinctly different from domesticated pigs.

5.  Sources

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