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  1.   1.  Speech
  2.   2.  Uses
  3.   3.  Types
    1.   3.1  Caribou
    2.   3.2  Deer
    3.   3.3  Elk
    4.   3.4  Moose
  4.   4.  Sources

These herbivorous hoofed animals play an important role in the ecology of 'Souls, providing food and raw materials for Luperci throughout the entirety of the territories. While Northern white-tailed deer remain the most prominent deer species in the area, the absence of humans has provided an opportunity for Eastern moose populations to increase and expand and for woodland boreal caribou to return to certain regions in the Maritime provinces. While not technically a native species, elk have held a decent population in Nova Scotia after being introduced to the area shortly before the end of humanity's reign and have been steadily returning to their former range in eastern North America in the following decades.

Characteristic to this family of mammal, male deer grow a new set of antlers every spring. When growing, antlers are covered in a layer of soft, highly vascular skin, called velvet, that is rubbed off after the antlers mature, typically in mid- to late-summer. They will later shed these antlers in the late autumn to early winter months after the rut. The size and shape of antlers vary with species, age, and nutrition. With the exception of female caribou, who grow a small set antlers in the summer months and shed them after giving birth in June, female deer do not grow antlers.

In addition to the presence of antlers, each of these deer species display sexual dimorphism, with males being larger than females.

1.  Speech

According to our Speech Guide, this creature speaks Low Speech naturally. It is therefore not able to communicate with Luperci. This creature is listed as having the ability to learn some limited comprehension of high speech, but generally will never be able to speak it.

2.  Uses

  • Food: Being the dominant prey species for larger canines like wolves and coyotes, deer are primarily hunted for food. Being a lean meat, Luperci who prefer cooking their venison might find that cooking it for too long can cause it to dry out and become tough.
  • Pelts and hides: A useful byproduct, deerskin (also known as buckskin) can be tanned and smoked to create a strong, soft leather. Deerskin leather has a variety of uses and can be crafted into such things as clothing, packs, and horse tack, among other things.
  • Antlers and bones: While great for chewing, antlers and bones also provide a host of other uses. Antlers can be crafted into handles for weapons, for example, while bones can be used to make fishing hooks, needles, tools, and ornamentals.
  • Glue: Made by boiling the hooves of ungulates, animal glue has a number of uses ranging from adhering items together to preserving hairstyles.

3.  Types

3.1  Caribou

Boreal Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: Compared to other subspecies, boreal woodland caribou do not form large aggregations and are primarily sedentary, migrating only short distances.
    • Predation: The grey wolf is the most effective natural predator of adult caribou, especially during the winter. Female boreal woodland caribou and their newborn calves are more vulnerable to predation, as they often calve separate from the rest of the herd and remain solitary until mid-winter.
  • Habitat: Woodland caribou prefer lichen-rich mature forests and mainly live in marshes, bogs, lakes and river regions.
    • 'Souls Range: Probably the least prominent deer species in 'Souls, caribou are likely only to be spotted in the northwestern forests and marshlands of New Brunswick. Branta Stretch, particularly near and around Canaan Bog, and the Miramichi Wilderness territories of the Northern Tides are preferred.
Quick Facts
  • Size: 110–210 kg (242.5-463 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Small, same-sex herds
  • Breeding Season: September-October
  • Birthing Season: May-June

3.2  Deer

Northern White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus borealis)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: White-tailed Deer typically respond to potential threats by breathing very heavily (called blowing) and running away. When they blow, the sound alerts all of the other deer in the area. As they run, the flash of their white tails warns other deer (especially in mothers with young) of their alarm.
    • Predation: Gray wolves, the leading cause of deer mortality where they overlap, may engage in an extended chase, hoping to exhaust the prey. Packs of coyotes prey mainly on fawns.
  • Habitat: The white-tailed deer is a woodland species. It survives in aspen parklands and deciduous river bottomlands, and in mixed deciduous riparian corridors, river valley bottomlands, and lower foothills.
    • 'Souls Range: All areas of 'Souls are home to large populations of white-tailed deer.
Quick Facts
  • Size: 40-136 kg (88-300 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Small, same-sex herds
  • Breeding Season: October-November
  • Birthing Season: May-June
White-Tailed Deer
Credit: 20087733@N00@Flickr

3.3  Elk

Elk (Cervus canadensis)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: Bulls have a loud vocalization consisting of screams known as bugling, which can be heard for miles. Bugling is often associated with an adaptation to open environments such as parklands, meadows, and savannas, where sound can travel great distances.
    • Predation: In North America, wolf and coyote packs and the solitary cougar are the most likely predators, although black bears also prey on elk. Coyote packs mostly prey on elk calves, though they can sometimes take a winter- or disease-weakened adult.
  • Habitat: Throughout their range, they live in forest and in forest edge habitat, similar to other deer species. In mountainous regions, they often dwell at higher elevations in summer, migrating down slope for winter.
    • 'Souls Range: Elk can be found primarily in Nova Scotia, with concentrated populations in the Seabreeze Brink region. While rarer than white-tailed deer or moose, they can also be sighted in Sticks and Stones.
Quick Facts
  • Size: 225-331 kg (496-730 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Crepuscular
  • Social Structure: Small, same-sex herds
  • Breeding Season: August-October
  • Birthing Season: May-June

3.4  Moose

Eastern Moose (Alces alces americana)

Useful Information
  • Behavior: Although generally slow-moving and sedentary, moose can become aggressive and move quickly if angered or startled. This is especially true of males during mating season and of females with calves.
    • Predation: Moose have been known to stomp attacking wolves, which makes them less preferred as prey to the wolves. That said, a pack of wolves can still pose a threat and primarily target calves and elderly animals when they do hunt moose.
  • Habitat: Eastern moose live in thick boreal or mixed deciduous forests near large amounts of food. In the summer, they move to have access to wetlands and aquatic vegetation, and prefer temperatures under 15 °C (59 °F).
    • 'Souls Range: The moose is found across 'Souls territories, concentrated in areas where there is water deep enough for swimming. Areas in the central and southern Western Forefront and central Northern Tides, both of which are rife with lakes, are preferred. They can also be spotted in the forests of Kejimkujik, located within the Seabreeze Brink region, and throughout Sticks and Stones.
Quick Facts
  • Size: 600-634 kg (270-1,398 lb)
  • Activity Pattern: Diurnal
  • Social Structure: Solitary
  • Breeding Season: September-October
  • Birthing Season: May-June
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

4.  Sources

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