Includes for Krokar Pack Pages

NOTE: REMOVE THE - IN THE INCLUDE CODE. This is just to make this page manageable/browsable without having to repeat the same thing like eight times.


This character is a former pNPC of Krokar!


This character is a pNPC of Krokar!

This means that for Krokar members, inclusion in threads and minor plots is allowed. For in-depth plots and those that may end in the pNPC getting injured, please PM us first.

(:include Packs.Krokar-Include#packNPC#packNPCEnd:) 


This character is adoptable from Krokar!

If you are interested in adopting this character, please send us a PM.

pNPC Adoptable

This character is adoptable from Krokar!

If you are interested in adopting this character, please send us a PM.

This character is a pNPC of Krokar!

This means that for Krokar members, inclusion in threads and minor plots is allowed. For in-depth plots and those that may end in the pNPC getting injured, please PM us first.

(:include Packs.Krokar-Include#pnpcAdopt#pnpcAdoptEnd:)