Anathema's Spells & Rituals

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Alternatives
    1.   1.1  Magick
  2.   2.  Other Sources
  3.   3.  Other Sources
  4.   4.  Other Sources
    1.   4.1  Threads
    2.   4.2  Sources

There are many Anathemans who practice both Black and White Magick. Some practice magick for good, aiding others and even themselves in a positive way, while some prefer to practice Black Magick and curse or hex their foes and hurt others whether it be physically, emotionally or mentally. This page will explain the different sides of magick and what spells and rituals can be performed.

1.  Alternatives

Please keep in mind that all the spells listed below are made for human use and require some altering in order for the Soulsverse to use. There are no right and wrong ways to alter the spells and objects that your character may need for them, so use your best judgment!

1.1  Magick

Magick is energy work, whether it is casting a circle, a practical spell, or a religious ritual. While many believe that magick's results are immediate, that is not always the case. Magick is the use of energies to influence change, whether it be the good or bad kind, and it is never really definite. There are instances where a spell will not work until the caster's will is in the right place. Magick has its limitations and its uses, and results do not come without hard work, concentration, belief and extreme dedication. Also, the results of magick aren't just going to present themselves to you in an extremely visual manner either.

White Magick (Good Magick)

White Magick is good, benevolent magick, and is used for good, selfless purposes (ex. aiding others). It is also referred to as 'High' magick. Those who use White Magick cast love, prosperity, health, wish-granting, blessing, healing, etc. spells to help others, while occasionally helping themselves. This type of magick is not taken advantage of and the castor rarely uses it to their own advantage.

Spells & Rituals

2.  Other Sources

Gray Magick (Neutral Magick)

Gray Magick is not performed for specifically beneficial reasons nor is focused towards completely hostile practices either. It falls between White and Black Magick, and can be considered neutral. Gray Magick is considered consequential.

For example: One can do a spell to make them gain money, and a week later, a relative will die and they would inherit money from them.

While there is no 'money' in Souls, the same consequences apply to different things; cause and effect. Gray Magick can also be Red and Green Magick (Love/Sex & Prosperity); Gray Magick is often used for personal gain, and with the occasional interest in getting back at others. While these kinds of magick users don't exactly follow a set of rules, as they don't belong on either side, they'll do as they please with their magickal abilities and resources.

Spells & Rituals

3.  Other Sources

Black Magick (Dark Magick)

Black Magick is traditionally used for evil or selfish purposes. It is also referred to as 'Low' Magick. Those who cast Black Magick spells generally focus on hurting others, selfish purposes (like personal gain), gaining power, among other things. Those who cast Black Magick curses and hexes should be aware that what comes around, goes around! Purple Magick is also considered Black Magick because it focuses on power-acquiring, soul-selling and control of others. Those who send evil out, will eventually have it knocking back at their door in the future! Use with caution!

Spells & Rituals

4.  Other Sources

4.1  Threads

Below are some threads featuring members using magick.

As Isolde leaves to explore Cantatrix Valley, The Ved'maova witches convince her to perform a curse with them, aimed at the loner who assaulted her.

4.2  Sources