Maugrim Revlis

WARNING: This page contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

by Marcy

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  1.   1.  Personality
    1.   1.1  Ideals
  2.   2.  Relationships
    1.   2.1  Family: Eternity, Revlis, de le Poer, Winters

Maugrim Revlis is one of two children born to Osrath Eternity and Lokr Revlis. Due to a violent altercation whilst still in the womb, Maugrim was stillborn; Though his tiny body was perfectly made, he took no breath into his mortal lungs, and never opened his true eyes to the world.

Well - not physically, anyway.

After his infantile body had grown cold, and at the behest of his father, his grieving mother took her only son out to the Blackwoods. There, under the heavy boughs of a great grandfather pine, she buried Maugrim. The small cairn of stones she set above the grave became lost, over time; And the great roots of the wise old tree cradled his small, perfect bones and dragged them down, down, into the cold black loam.

When Maugrim at last awoke, he was alone in the darkness - But for the ephemeral voices of the Blackwoods.

And so, as with his living sisters Elphaba Revlis (fullblood) and Indra Revlis (halfblood), Maugrim grew. And grew. And grew.

Present day, Maugrim is a more powerful ghost than ever before. He has even grown strong enough to manifest a visible form - If only for a short time, and only to those in possession of a susceptible mind. How he appears varies dramatically upon circumstance - To some, he may appear only as a shadow in the corner of their vision, a rustle through the leaves when no wind blows, or perhaps merely the ominous feeling of being watched.

To others, particularly those related by blood, the ghost can take a likeness truer to that which he should have been - Though as he grows more and more in tune with the Blackwoods, the forest begins to infect his wolfish appearance, making him sprout with foliage and fungi or rot like withered leaves. Oftentimes, his visage shows the bones beneath, either in the transparency of his form or in missing chunks of muscle.

Maugrim is the Ghost cNPC of Elphaba Revlis. Salsolan characters may reference Maugrim's haunting of the Blackwoods in their threads, provided they are vague and adhere to the above information. Without direct permissions, players are unable to reference Maugrim conversing with their character. For more information, send a private message to Alaine.





  • Date of Birth: 22 Dec 2015
  • Gender: Male
  • Luperci: Ortus
  • Residence: Salsola - The Blackwoods
  • Mate: --
  • Pack: Salsola (22 Dec 2015 - Present)
  • Rank: None - Ghost



  • Feeling Maugrim's presence when in the Blackwoods
    • The sensation of being watched is common
    • Tricks of the mind, moving shadows and sudden winds are common
  • Members of the Coven can understand his presence to be a familiar ghost
    • Unless the individual has discussed it with Elphaba, they are unlikely to know he is her brother

Salsola members may assume and reference the following without discussion/asking:

  • Feeling an ominous presence when in or near the Blackwoods — this may be accompanied by a disembodied shadow, movements just outside your character's field of vision, sudden cold spots or just a feeling of intense foreboding.
  • Members of the Coven can understand his presence to be a familiar ghost, and pay reverence to him/have his presence be involved in any rites they undertake in the Blackwoods.
    • Unless the individual has discussed it with Elphaba, they are unlikely to know his identity as her brother.

1.  Personality

Apparently Powerless Puppetmaster, Poltergeist, Was Once a Man

  • Malicious, Violent, Untrustworthy:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rutrum leo in mollis aliquam. Phasellus gravida pretium felis nec mattis. Pellentesque egestas nulla sit amet libero efficitur, nec suscipit ante blandit. Sed mauris libero, laoreet eu arcu ac, finibus eleifend ante. Donec eu imperdiet augue. Etiam molestie velit viverra erat commodo, eu ultricies leo eleifend. Ut finibus ante sed bibendum vulputate.

Sed luctus mi sit amet commodo semper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur pretium orci metus, vel fringilla quam ultricies ac. Cras eu consectetur urna, eu ullamcorper leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras facilisis eu eros id elementum. Quisque eget tortor malesuada, mollis eros et, gravida diam. Duis porttitor neque in tortor ullamcorper, ut aliquet libero maximus. Nulla velit neque, tincidunt et lectus a, facilisis dictum velit. Aliquam placerat, nibh quis porttitor consectetur, eros velit dapibus est, vitae iaculis sem lacus ut erat.

  • Covetous, Inconsistent, Selfish:

Etiam nec sem sagittis, congue urna nec, venenatis sapien. Aenean tincidunt ex eu auctor suscipit. Curabitur eget est nec nulla varius rhoncus in eu erat. Ut quis consectetur metus, quis finibus ante. Ut nec volutpat est, nec consectetur est. Fusce bibendum ipsum sem, nec rhoncus leo finibus nec. Vestibulum elementum dolor nisi, sed posuere est congue vel. Morbi in vulputate nunc. Praesent placerat tellus eget nibh tempor, quis faucibus magna tincidunt. Ut maximus suscipit facilisis. Sed at massa vel justo vehicula mattis a vitae mi. Integer lacinia enim libero, eu placerat urna laoreet eu. Praesent porta enim a magna aliquam pretium. Proin quis erat turpis. Vivamus rutrum placerat odio at hendrerit.

1.1  Ideals


  • Obsessions: His family — it is likely, however, that he's also trying to manipulate them from beyond the grave.
  • Likes: Magic, witchcraft, haunting things, messing with people, astute conversation.
  • Dislikes: Weakness in himself and others, the Coisricthe religion, meddlers, realists.


  • Expression: Fanatical
  • Sociability: Extroverted, dominant
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
“Is not concerned with the desires of family members.”
“Considers himself above the law.”
“Believes those who seek to rule others are, by nature, corrupt.”
“Will kill others to get ahead.”


  • Abandonment: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper.
  • Oblivion: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper.


  • Himself: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper.


  • Packs: Maugrim doesn't know much of the packs beyond Salsola's borders, save for what his siblings tell him.
  • Non-Luperci: Hates non-luperci, as he believes they are uncultured and utterly barbaric.


  • His sexual motives are minimal, but revolve around the concept of power reassurance and opportunism; when devoid of a physical body to possess (which, conversely, could also be considered abstractly sexual), he won't scruple at voyeurism.


  • Non-applicable.


  • Believes fervently in his own divinity and doesn't appreciate anyone else who claims such things for themselves.

2.  Relationships

2.1  Family: Eternity, Revlis, de le Poer, Winters

Italics indicates an unknown relationship; they may be offboard or the relation is merely uncertain.

Familial Relations

Notable Relationships

  • His maternal grandmother is Salvia Eternity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper. Vestibulum vel iaculis dolor. Quisque sit amet sapien id libero cursus sollicitudin eget a velit. Phasellus ornare tempus purus, vitae suscipit lacus vulputate sed. Pellentesque eget scelerisque libero.
  • Blair Eternity is his aunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper. Vestibulum vel iaculis dolor. Quisque sit amet sapien id libero cursus sollicitudin eget a velit. Phasellus ornare tempus purus, vitae suscipit lacus vulputate sed. Pellentesque eget scelerisque libero.
  • Something or other about his uncle Dullahan Eternity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porttitor felis venenatis libero molestie, vitae efficitur tortor semper. Vestibulum vel iaculis dolor. Quisque sit amet sapien id libero cursus sollicitudin eget a velit. Phasellus ornare tempus purus, vitae suscipit lacus vulputate sed. Pellentesque eget scelerisque libero.

Categories: Alaine | Ghosts | Salsola