Singwell Family

Favored by the Stars The Singwell Family Favored by the Stars
Family Emblem
Ardent Lyrebird

Credit: Shannah

  • Name Meaning: Great singer (English)
  • Family Origin: Eldergard
  • Species: Wolf dominant
Statistics & Foundation
  • Status: Inactive, Small
  • 'Souls: Loner
  • Worldwide: Eldergard, Portland
  • First Member:
  • Languages: English, Silvan, French
OOC Information

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Family Members
  2.   2.  Icon

The Singwell family is a great house in Eldergard, one of the first in the vale; it was established by wolves that were amongst the early adopters of the Luperci virus and turned quickly to civility. Their sigil is a lyrebird crowned by a guiding star. Their official motto is "Favored by the Stars."

Historically, the Singwells were prominent clerics and performers due to their speechcraft. Eldergard's stories and beliefs were preserved by their songs prior to the advent of written word—which then was adopted as another craft in their repertoire. As the vale burgeoned and blossomed, the Singwell house was among the only houses to expand their horizons and travel over the Frostreach Mountains. Discovering the wealth beyond the Hinterlands, they developed navigational and diplomatic talents to corner the mercantile business. Any goods that cannot be produced within Eldergard can be obtained under their wing, for the right price.

While they are affluent and hold great power in Eldergard, it is not unusual for members of their whimsical house to become wayward, shedding their responsibilities to heed another calling. One such branch is rooted in the Portland area, undertaking more artistic and adventurous pursuits. Most notably, they are associated with a troupe.

  • Common Roles/Lifestyles: Nobles, Diplomats, Clerics, Scholars, Merchants, Navigators, Magicians, Performers
    • Common Craftsmen Trades: Divination/spiritual guidance, literature, maps, entertainment, speechcraft
  • Known for: Being highly charismatic and socially adept, their affinity for wandering, producing high-quality alcohol, possessing gifted voices (whether for politics, spirituality, or entertainment)

1.  Family Members

Contributing members are notated in bold

Adopted members are notated by italics

A red x indicates a non-consensual litter

Members with a strikethrough died before they reached 18 months old

First Generation
  • Mother x Father (December 2021)

2.  Icon

Ardent Lyrebird Favored by the Stars

  • The icon can be obtained as a custom icon by any character of Singwell blood who has taken the surname Singwell, regardless of their connection.
  • You must purchase your icon via game points, Word of the Day, the 'Souls Store, a contest, or something similar.
  • The icon must not be altered from its original state in any way.
  • The only hover texts permitted are:
    • Singwell
    • Favored by the Stars

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