
    The Brádaigh Family    



Statistics & Foundation

Family Tree

ADOPT A Brádaigh

  • Currently none.

75% 25%

  • Family Origin: Airgid Gleann
  • Surname: "Spirited" - Irish
  • Archetype (Group): Warriors.
  • Archetypes (Individuals): Strong-Willed, Independent, Loyal, Dedicated, Hard Working

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Family Members
  2.   2.  Defining Features
    1.   2.1  Physical Features
  3.   3.  History
    1.   3.1  Influence and Influences
  4.   4.  Culture and Homeland
    1.   4.1  Nemain Tribe

Paragraphs of an introductory nature! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra cursus iaculis. Donec dignissim, nulla vitae sagittis pulvinar, lectus mauris lobortis quam, eget fermentum ipsum ligula ac neque. Vivamus vestibulum ligula turpis, vel pulvinar leo mollis vel. Integer ac urna ac ipsum semper vestibulum. Etiam ultricies lectus eu odio varius cursus. Quisque urna mauris, lacinia cursus neque in, porttitor consequat dolor. Mauris id tortor nisl. Nulla felis lacus, volutpat quis vulputate sed, imperdiet sit amet lacus.

Donec ornare diam elementum orci ultrices, et auctor nulla dignissim. Mauris mattis molestie suscipit. In euismod ante nec erat vulputate, sed tristique orci commodo. Vestibulum quis aliquam sapien, eu molestie sapien. Curabitur non lacus lorem. Nam pretium, justo et rhoncus lobortis, risus ante rhoncus orci, quis dictum erat ligula mollis ante. Morbi egestas mi velit, a fermentum eros consectetur eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

1.  Family Members

First Generation

  • Ashling Kavanagh x Girvan Brádaigh
  • Morag Ó Cnáimhín x Iain Brádaigh
    • Eideard Brádaigh
    • Danu Brádaigh
    • Blaine Brádaigh

Second Generation

  • Glenna Cuchulainn x Eideard Brádaigh
    • Roarke Brádaigh
    • Tynan Brádaigh

Third Generation

Fourth Generation

Fifth Generation

2.  Defining Features

General information about features that define this family.

2.1  Physical Features

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra cursus iaculis. Donec dignissim, nulla vitae sagittis pulvinar, lectus mauris lobortis quam, eget fermentum ipsum ligula ac neque. Vivamus vestibulum ligula turpis, vel pulvinar leo mollis vel. Integer ac urna ac ipsum semper vestibulum.


A variety of tones of green are most prominent within the Bradaigh family from dull shades to the more vivid neons, with less common tones of silver-green and silver-blue occurring. Due to other lineages, golden hues have occasionally been noted, although such colours are exceptionally rare.

Conforming eyes:

Non-conforming eyes:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra cursus iaculis. Donec dignissim, nulla vitae sagittis pulvinar, lectus mauris lobortis quam, eget fermentum ipsum ligula ac neque. Vivamus vestibulum ligula turpis, vel pulvinar leo mollis vel. Integer ac urna ac ipsum semper vestibulum.

Conforming fur:

  • Currently, none.

3.  History

Some history about the family goes here!

3.1  Influence and Influences


  • Kavanagh — Girvan's litter with Ashling linked the two families.
  • Ó Cnáimhín — Iain's litter with Morag linked the two families.
  • Cuchulainn — Eideard's litter with Glenna linked the two families.
  • Macmathan — Roarke's litter with Eithne linked the two families.
  • MoineauKane's litter with Brumaire Moineau linked the two families.
  • AhearneTierney was betrothed to and later mater to Diarmid until his death, the two having two litters linking their respective families.


4.  Culture and Homeland

  • Does your family come from a certain place in the world?
  • Maybe they have a specific religion?
  • Maybe there's a certain way all members of the family are raised?

4.1  Nemain Tribe

The latest generation of Ahearne canines have originated from Airgid Gleann and are members of the Nemain Tribe. The bear is a just symbol of the Nemain tribe, representing many aspects and traits that the tribespeople uphold. They are generally considered to be the most primitive of the tribes, highly honoring their heritage and the wisdom of their tribal elders. Although not technologically or intellectually advanced, the Nemain tribe is by no means belittled or vulnerable - They are highly regarded as the most volatile and dangerous of the three tribes, due to their warlike tendencies and appreciation of great size and strength. They are widely said to produce the most skilled warriors, and are utterly fearless in battle and combat. Their bloodlines originated with the large hunting breeds of the region, primarily wolfhounds. They have since welcomed strangers into their ranks, so long as the strangers conform to their ideals and represent the physical traits of strength and size that they require, and as such there has been a large influx of primarily wolf blood into the tribe. However, doggish looks are seen as being somewhat more beautiful, as they are a throw-back to the tribe's much beloved ancestry. At current, the Nemain tribe consists of three main families, and they continue to be a source of power within Airgid Gleann.
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