Pirate Calloway

Earning his names for his wealth-obsessed actions across the coasts of North America and the maritime route, Pirate is man of big plans and many desires. Looking for fun and adventure most of all, Pirate also seeks wealth and recognition. Having been grounded in Nova Scotia due to the crashing of his ship, Pirate aims to keep busy whilst waiting to get back on the seas, though has spent his time thus far causing trouble and making connections. One such connection is found in his unplanned and unintentional son, Fredrick Knight.






  • Date of Birth: 24 November 2016
  • Gender: Male
  • Luperci: Ortus
  • Residence: Amherst
  • Mate: --
  • Pack:
  • Rank:
    • ---
  • Family: The Calloway Crew
  • Nickname: Captain, Boss, Ass
  • Birthplace: At sea
  • Species: Coyote
    • Subspecies: 100% Northeastern Coyote
  • cNPC: Bandit
  • yNPC:
  • Animal NPC:




Pirate carries almost pure coyote in him, so his appearance is average for a coyote male of his age.


Mostly stays in Optime form


Pirate tends to change his outfit often depending on what he last stole. What usually catches his eye are waistcoats or vests, to which he wears all the time. For the most part he sticks to wearing a full set of dark pants, shirt and vest.

Coloring and Markings

Pirate's almost pure white coat is only tarnished by flickerings of silver all over his body and small black markings on his ears, shoulder blades and tail.


Pirate has only a few scars on him, though all of them from fights the man only wishes he could have avoided.

  • Two thin scars on his left shoulder
  • Two small bite marks near his left eye
  • One thin scar across his left cheek
  • A nick out of his left ear where a piercing was torn out




Charismatic • Manipulative • Selfish


Pirate has been a cheater, liar and thief his whole life. He has seen life as something that revolved around him, therefore things that existed in the world existed for Pirate to play with. This mentality allowed the man to develop a very selfish nature during his younger years, that acted impulsively and never backed down. With experience, Pirate learnt that he could do more than just steal, but also tangle others into a web that he had control of, all by keeping things that they desired to protect within his grasp.

Age changes people, and Pirate is no exception. He learned to play nice with others, knowing friends can be formed by bonds other than blackmail, though he still tends to keep something handy just in case. He remained cunning and manipulating, but it was without as much impulse and plenty more thought.

Becoming a father has led Pirate to think of such things as legacy, to think beyond what he desired in the present and more on what will be in the future. Because of this, Pirate aims to earn a place back in the life of his son, Freddy, hoping to find some satisfaction in playing the part of a parent.


  • Speech: Talks casually, smooth voice
  • Scent: Rum, fabric, metal, dirt
  • Quirks, Gestures, Etc.: Smirks a lot
  • General Posture and Body Language: Relaxed but confident






  • Outlook: The more he has the better he is.
  • Sociability: Super social, even a bit much.
  • Expression: Confident and easy-going.
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
    • "You shall lie to advance yourself."
    • "You shall betray friends, family and community to advance yourself."
    • "You shall not show mercy to enemies."
    • "You shall seek unlimited power over others."
  • Stealing more for himself
  • Manipulating others to help him
  • Having fun
  • Keeping a reputation
  • Losing
  • Feeling love
  • Pain
  • Pansexual
  • Has never had lasting relationships, only one-night fun times
  • Is comfortable with flirting
  • Finds relationships exhausting





  • Lady Luck
  • Luck seems to be on Pirate's side most of the time, it's got to come from somewhere right?
  • Likes a drink, likes to have a drink on him to offer to someone he's trying to push.
  • Stealing (Expert): Pirate's been pick-pocketing and stealing since he had hands. He is very good with quick-fingered motions to steal from pockets or belts, and finds it hard to leave any situation without getting something new out of it.
  • Manipulation (Journeyman): If Pirate isn't talking to someone in order to get something from them, then he's probably just looking for some fun. The man loves to take apart others and pull them around like puppets. Either through trickery or blackmail, the man is good at getting others to do what he says.
  • Swordsmanship (Apprentice): Pirate isn't bad with a sword... when he's using it against someone weaker than him or as a party trick. The man was never a natural at fighting, which is why he put all his cards into talking his way out of problems and leaving the bloodshed to the ones he gets to help him.
  • Not a Fighter: Sure Pirate can hold a sword, but unless he's fighting dirty or chosing only battles he know he can win, the man usually counts his luck and tries to find a way out.
  • Magpie Eye: Can never ignore a good steal. Pirate's need to take things is almost a problem when his masterful sleight of hand doesn't pay off.
  • Never shame the Captain: Pirate cannot stand being made to look foolish. He despises losing anything to anyone and takes any actions against him very personally. He might be able to hide his fury well, but deep down the man is a spiteful asshole.


Parents: Unknown

Children: FredrickKnight