Nate-River Silvertooth

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Nate-River Silvertooth wip. Transferring information from old board.

Nate-River Silvertooth

by Kitty



More Info

Archive Profile
Forum Profile


Date of Birth

15th May, 2012




Birth place



Coyote-wolf-dog hybrid

75% Common Gray Wolf
25% Northeastern Coyote




Mate None
Rank None
Co-Rank None



  • Optime Hair: Mine Shaft (#2d2d2d), highlighted with Outer Space (#2b343a)
  • Eyes: Cod Gray (#141413).
  • Fur:
    • Primarily Desert Storm (#f8f8f6)
    • Touches of Alice Blue (#F0F8FF) along his back and tummy.
    • Corn Field (#F8FACD) highlights across his entire body.

In lupus, Nate has a predominately ivory coat with little to no blemishes. Silvery highlights emphasise - but in no way inhibit - his creamy-whiteness. The outside of his ears are an onyx black and the top of his head also regulates this dark shade, creating a nice contrast with the white. His black eyes are as dark as anything but they do not lack light; they are warm eyes, with a bit of a twinkle.

His fur is thick and soft, and curly in some parts - especially around his chest and head - and this usually hides his skinny body. Inherited from his mother, his ears are abnormally huge and perky...almost comical, but not quite.

Optime form comes with only slight changes. His long legs in proportion to his body become evident. His mane also elongates into tight curls, which sculpt his head in a very pretty way. He tends to wear clothes in this form, but not always. Nate is a gentleman and prefers "classy" clothes over others. He likes to dress up and has no usual outfit.

Build and Species

A worryingly skinny but surprisingly tall build gives him his lanky structure. Muscular yet slim, Nate is built for fast and lively physical activity rather than hefty labour. His thick fur but skinny form are factors inherited from his coyote and wolf heritage.





50 lbs
28 in (71 cm)


110 lbs
35 in (89 cm)


140 lbs
6 ft 2 in (185 cm)

A worryingly skinny but surprisingly tall build gives him his lanky structure. Muscular yet slim, Nate is built for fast and lively physical activity rather than hefty labour. His thick fur but skinny form are factors inherited from his coyote and wolf heritage.



  • Piercings: None, such things repel him.
  • Tattoos: None, he finds both tattoos and piercings useless.
  • Scars: None as of yet, he likes to keep clean and perfect.
    • None as of yet
    • Location, description, how it was obtained.
    • Location, description, how it was obtained.


  • black feather necklace on a single piece of ribbon, obtained from his father.
  • light and thin shortsword - more of a knife, really - carried with him everywhere
  • Most accessories are offputting for him, he feels they slow you down and have no use.


  • You can delete this section (or add more/different sections) as necessary -- if your wears outfits or wears clothes only for a special occasion, you might describe it here.


Art by ?

Nate is quiet boy of mysterious means. He keeps to himself most of the time and tends to get on better with his family than anyone else. He is bad at making friends and part of the reason for this is because he is somewhat autistic in nature. His main love is science and he finds it hard to show empathy towards others. He is afraid of getting close to others and despite not knowing how to communicate with others, he is extremely sensitive and would get easily hurt in many situations. He takes a lot of things to heart.

Nate is often rude - accidentally - and very truthful in what he says. He often finds he hurts others without meaning to, by saying brash things that are unheard of in typical conversation.

Nate-River has a thirst for knowledge and as a child was always very curious. He is something of a genius and has exceptional talent when it comes to taking in information from various books and experiments. He often spends hours into the night reading and, coincidently, nearly always forgets to eat.

Although he has the body for it, most physical activity seems pointless to him. His father's love and teaching of horses has rubbed off a little, however, so horse riding is often used to pass the time. Nate enjoys collecting things like plants and insects, or even sheet music. He is fond of classical music introduced to him by his father (through humming alone) and strives to one day learn an instrument.


He has a dramatic attitude and very flamboyant mannerisms. He walks with a bounce and stands up straight; posture is very important for him. When he is explaining things, he is very brash and uses a lot of hand movements.



  • Likes: collecting things, horses, biology, chemistry, physics, classical music, knowledge, learning, pretty wolves he can stare at, winning things, solving mysteries.
  • Dislikes: talking to people (especially stupid people), getting told off, eating, dirty things, not knowing the answer to questions.


Clever, serious, flamboyant, neat, active, curious, OCD, slightly autistic, signs of social anxiety, depressed.

  • Outlook: Both optimistic and pessimistic
  • Expression: Extroverted and submissive
  • Alignment: True neutral


  • Failure, mockery, powerlessness, ignorance, loneliness, crowds, death of family.


  • Knowledge


  • Packs: None
  • Species: None
  • Non-Luperci: Finds them interesting
  • Gender: He gets along better with women and finds men scary at times (although he would never admit it).
  • Color: None
  • Sexuality: None
  • Age: He finds children annoying.


Nate is a very confused homosexual but does not know much about relationships at all. He hasn't even ever had a proper friend. He does, however, think cheating is wrong and he is disgusted by those who sleep around. He is currently in denial and pushes all feelings for others away; he wants to focus on his studies rather than getting involved in a relationship.


None, he is against all form of drugs.


Atheist. He is a man of science.


Key Relations

  • Character? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a mauris at tortor consectetur semper eu sit amet dui. Aenean pellentesque ultricies orci eget rutrum. Cras adipiscing mi ut nibh volutpat condimentum. Aliquam semper posuere elit eget scelerisque. Curabitur massa nibh, ultrices vitae semper sed, tristique at ipsum. Duis sed tellus neque. Integer vestibulum dolor id eros porttitor hendrerit.
  • Character? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a mauris at tortor consectetur semper eu sit amet dui. Aenean pellentesque ultricies orci eget rutrum. Cras adipiscing mi ut nibh volutpat condimentum. Aliquam semper posuere elit eget scelerisque. Curabitur massa nibh, ultrices vitae semper sed, tristique at ipsum. Duis sed tellus neque. Integer vestibulum dolor id eros porttitor hendrerit.

Family: Sawtooth

Minor Relations

  • Friendly: None atm.
  • Unfriendly: None atm.
  • Sex: Virgin.
  • Fights: (won) None atm.
  • Fights: (lost) None atm.
  • Murders: None arm.


  • Nothing long term


Please view Kitty's NPCs? for full NPC details!

  • None



  • Skill
  • (Scholar): adept in reading, writing, drawing detailed diagrams.
  • (Rider): advanced skill in riding horses, learnt from a very young age.
  • (Swordsman): a light and thin shortsword - more of a knife, really - carried with him everywhere gives him a sense of emotional protection. He practises with this often.


  • Social interaction
  • Blue eyes ;)
  • Not very healthy - eating disorder
  • Suffers from depression, anxiety and OCD.


Nate-River was born in Aniwaya a short time after his only litter mate, Payne. His mother Gemma kept him as a newborn for three days before venturing back into the centre of the pack, where she organized a naming ceremony. Nate was named because of a man that once helped Gemma, and River was added on by request of Frodo, his father. His surename Silvertooth came of both Silvertongue, Frodo's surename, and Sawtooth, Gemma's surename.

Despite Frodo being Nate's father, the tribe was not allowed to know. Before Nate had been conceived, Gemma had been mates with a wolf named Matteo, who was eventually exiled. When Gemma fell pregnant shortly afterwards, everyone assumed the pups had been fathered by Matteo. In fact, they were a double sired litter- Payne's father Giuseppe, Matteos brother, and Nate's father Frodo Silvertongue. Of course, nobody was allowed to know this, as Gemma wanted to keep the secret to herself. She told Frodo they were both his, and so Frodo acted as father to pups as they grew up in the pack, while the pack was still under the impression that Matteo had sired them, and Frodo was just a stand-in.

As a pup, Nate was very friendly and active in the pack. Having a mother and father was a crucial part of his emotional development, and having a sister meant he expanded his meagre social skills a great deal. As he got into his teens, however, Nate began to show signs of an unsocial attitude and lonesome behaviour. This was very unusual for a canine and his parents were worried about him. He developed an eating disorder around this time and as he grew up he gradually became more and more distanced from his family. This depression and anxiety evidently did not come from his upbringing - which was stable - but from unknown causes. An interest in books became his reason for living and not many other things took his fancy.



  • Month: This section is most useful for detailing what happened before your character came to 'Souls, since that is not included in the lower thread archive section. Some players choose to continue their timeline history with important events from the thread archive while other players are content to use this section solely as a "before 'Souls" section.



  1. [M] (NPC) [1]? (DD Mon)
    AREA?, with CHARACTER?. Example of mature thread where your character was an NPC.
  2. (NPC) [2]? (DD Mon)
    AREA?, with CHARACTER?. Example of thread where your character was an NPC.
  3. [3]? (DD Mon)
    AREA?, with CHARACTER?. Example of regular thread.


  1. [4]? (DD Mon)
    AREA?, with CHARACTER?. Example of how to re-start numbering following section break.

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Categories: 2012 births | AniWaya | Coywolf | Sawtooth