Innokentiy Prizmov - Thread Archive

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Innokentiy Prizmov
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• Notable Events: Something
July 2022
Sailing in from London to track down their cousin, Egregore Prizmov, Innokentiy collects information on the area before finally catching up with him. He and Lev Prizmov are sponsored in by Egregore as Associates of Salsola.
  1. What's this? (6 Jul) – Grand Lake, with Deirdra de le Ulrich.
    While looking about the area, Innokentiy meets a fellow herbalist, though she might be more than she appears.
  2. [M] A greying tower alone on the sea (9 Jul) – Northern Tides, with Liam del Morte.
    Innokentiy trades with a noble named Liam for food and information on his cousin. He is given what he needs to go on, and is offered a place to stay for the night.
  3. [M] How am I gonna be an optimist about this? (9 Jul) – The King's Bastion, with Lorien Coara & Liam del Morte.
    Resting in New Caledonia thanks to Liam's hospitality, Innokentiy talks with Lorien, another Caledonian.
  4. Anywhere the wind blows (10 Jul) – North Shore, with Lev Prizmov.
    As Innokentiy prepares to approach Salsola, Lev, whom has been tracking him for some time, finally approaches. Innokentiy convinces him to join them in their mission.
  5. By the book (10 Jul) – Salsola, with Indigo Eternity, Elphaba Revlis, Egregore Prizmov, & Lev Prizmov.
    Lev and Innokentiy arrive and after some familial squabbling, Egregore sponsors the two into Salsola. They are accepted by Elphaba.
  6. And it's gonna be a fine, swell day (22 Jul) – Stone Altar, with Grisha Darkleaf.
    Innokentiy observes some of Salsola's culture by visiting the Stone Altar with Lev. They meet Grisha Darkleaf.
  7. Pattern master (24 Jul) – The Ruins, with Egregore Prizmov & Lev Prizmov.
    While doing laundry, Innokentiy guilt trips their cousins into helping them.
  8. The gloomy tapes (25 Jul) – La Estrella Roja, with Kamari Kaiser.
    To prove their loyalty to the Kingdom as a mere Associate, Innokentiy (or, rather Cornelius) joins Emissary Kamari on what is supposed to be a trading trip. Unfortunately, they find their destination is closed and boarded.
  9. [M] Repainted in prism past (26 Jul) – The Ruins, with Egregore Prizmov & Lev Prizmov.
    Egregore teaches his cousins about Salsola's culture.
August 2022
A slow month as Innokentiy gets adjusted to life in the Thistle Kingdom.
  1. Hourglass meadow (2 Aug) – Salsola, with Egregore Prizmov & Polymorph Prismshard.
    In Salsola's territory, Innokentiy finds a starved and dissociated Polymorph who had been thought missing. They try to reorient them with the help of Egregore.
  2. Pendulum (3 Aug) – Salsola, with Indigo Eternity.
    Indigo & Innokentiy pick blueberries together.

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