Fallow's Record

Profile History Forum Profile



Duration: (2021-Current)
Rank: N/A
Co-Rank(s): N/A

Flung from her previously secure, stable life, Fallow made her way gradually southwards from her childhood home and ventured into the great unknown. Hungry, exhausted, and riddled with doubt, she came upon the territory of 'Souls, and meandered downwards towards the coast before looping her way along Loch Fundy, making herself as scarce as possible to the potential dangers therein and lurking about.

Thread Log



  1. i'm a careful driver (24 Feb)
    Fallow encounters a duo of loners on the beach of Cape Hopewell.


  1. There is no such thing as coincidence (4 Mar)
    A hungry Fallow hunts down prey to the Northeast of Amherst.
  2. We tried the world, good God, it wasn't for us (24 Mar)
    Fallow discovers that scavenging snares makes for quick meals, but a hunter disagrees.

Categories: Despi | Loners | Wolf