Everett Moreau

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Appearance
    1.   1.1  Essentials
    2.   1.2  Interaction
  2.   2.  Personality
    1.   2.1  Ideals
    2.   2.2  Skills
  3.   3.  Connections
    1.   3.1  Family
    2.   3.2  Relationships
  4.   4.  History
by Sammaella @DA!

Originating from the faraway British Isles and born into a life of privilege as an aristocrat's son, Everett was expected to become physically strong, emotionally manipulative and mentally cunning. To his parent's dismay, he entered the world as a runt and was largely ignored by his father for his frail body and gentle disposition. In contrast, his mother doted upon him and honed his talents of empathy and creativity. With a growing sense of dismay for his physical weakness and the isolation he felt from his packmates, he begins to form a plan for his future.

Upon coming of age, Everett fled from his homeland with his friend, Olivia Moreau, to carve out a new life for themselves.

The two arrived in bustling Portland and joined a group of traders and travellers. The journey was seldom smooth, and the group experienced many highs and lows along the way. Everett provided myriad roles as the band's medic, confidante, cook or counsellor on different occasions. Disagreements and scuffles with other traders/loners became increasingly common - one such occasion led to Olivia being threatened.

In the heat of the moment, Everett killed the attacker*, which caused the dead trader's group to flee as they left words of retribution behind. Both suffer in the aftermath of this event and find themselves unable to continue with the group. Without the aid of a pack and with winter drawing near, Everett and Olivia take shelter in the Southern region of 'Souls.

Everett falls ill to the sickness that swept the lands in April 2017. Olivia aids his recovery throughout this ordeal, but when he awakens he discovers she has gone missing. In the wake of his grief, he adopts her family name as his own.

He currently resides in Casa's Portland outpost, where he hopes to strengthen trade links and adopt a teaching role. In the winter of 2019 he became the father of Huldr Moreau, Mjrn Moreau and Vivi Moreau with Valdís.






  • Family: Ames (Disowned) and Dubois
  • Birthplace: London, United Kingdom
  • Species: Dog
  • Subspecies:
    • 50% Siberian Husky
    • 25% German Shepherd
    • 25% Rough Collie
  • cNPC: —
  • yNPC: —
  • Minor NPCs:

Pack Information

Plot Potential & OOC Assumptions

  • Casa di Cavalieri members may reference seeing Everett doing the following:
    • Primping and preening
    • Absorbed in a book, writing, tending to the library, etc.
    • Training with the bow, staff or hand-to-hand combat

1.  Appearance

1.1  Essentials


Everett is petite, with leanness to his body that speaks of his birth as a runt. The male is dainty and androgynous in all of his forms with a slender figure that lacks mass in the sense of muscle or fat. An underweight frame is covered by thick, double-coated fur that grows into 'feathers' about his stomach, legs and neck. A curled, Spitz-like tail rests against his flanks. In Optime, his hair is kept short and styled into soft spikes like this and this using natural waxes. Everett is highly humanised, fashioning himself after a gentleman, often found in formal wear, and keeping and collecting jewellery.


  • Scars:
    • Hidden amongst the layers of his coat a long scar graces his shoulder.


  • Jewelry: Everett appreciates beautiful things, and adorns himself with various rings, bracelets and necklaces. Often wears his bracelets on his left hand, and rings on his right hand. He will change these depending on his mood.
  • Attire: Always appears well-dressed and groomed. Fashions himself after his aristocratic pack, and as such favours dress shirts and trousers paired with waistcoats; from the simple to extravagant. A leather belt at the waist holds various pouches and tools.




  • Fur: Primarily Gallery
    • Markings: Cadet Blue piebald markings and mask
  • Eyes: Half Baked
  • Optime Hair: A tonal mix of Gallery and Cadet Blue
    • Nose and Leathers: Clam Shell

66 lbs (30 kg)
(23 in / 60 cm)

110 lbs (50 kg)
34 in (117 cm)

140 lbs (64 kg)
5 ft 2 in (201 cm)

1.2  Interaction

  • Speech: Everett speaks with a calm, soft cadence. His words seem carefully chosen and impeccably pronounced, although he has been known to drawl. It is rare, but not unheard of for him to raise his voice. Modelled after Gideon Emery as Balthier.
  • Scent: Old books, warm spices, soap, woodsmoke and tea notes.
  • Quirks, Gestures, Etc.: He excessively primps himself; runs his hands through his hair, brushes down his fur and clothes, etc. Has a habit of lounging on or atop something such as walls, chairs etc.
  • General Posture and Body Language: Calm and dignified - will adopt a stance that best reflects the present company he is in.


  • Outlook: Idealist
  • Sociability: Introverted; strongly prefers his own company, one-on-one situations or small groups. Becomes irritable when denied his 'me' time.
  • Expression: Submissive

2.  Personality

Well-mannered, meticulous, composed, insecure, emphatic

  • Enjoys meeting others and learning new customs and ideologies, and is comfortable sharing at length what he has learned.
  • Takes pleasure in amassing and distilling information he has gathered and seeks to further his understanding through discussion with others.
  • The strain of his elitist roots resonates within Everett still, as can be evidenced by the level of care he pays to himself, his belongings and his plans - each detail has been chosen with the utmost care.
  • On the outside he maintains the appearance of strength and confidence in his world, whilst harbouring crippling insecurities and lingering doubts.
  • Often finds himself in the role of a shoulder to cry on and an emotional anchor, whilst simultaneously revealing very little of himself in the process.

2.1  Ideals


  • Likes: Culture, tea, art, books, being creative, order, hard work, children, solitude, good conversation
  • Dislikes: Blood, violence, gossip, slavery, cruelty, over-stimulation, laziness, loud individuals


  • Loss of control
  • Weakness/impairment
  • Loneliness


  • Knowledge
  • Self-growth
  • Belonging
  • Finding the 'one' and raising a family


  • More familiar with dogs and mutts.
  • Familiar with Luperci, and has yet to meet a Non-Luperci in his travels. Is likely to find arguments for changing one as unnecessary.
  • Finds polygamy disgusting, but would likely keep his thoughts on the subject to himself around others who practised it.
  • Wary around dominant or overbearing individuals of either sex.
  • Adores children and feels instinctively protective towards them. Reveres elders, but is wary of those who hold too much sway over others.


  • Heterosexual, strictly monogamous.

A romantic at heart, the male has high standards in a potential mate. He enjoys showing and receiving affection from close friends or family but would become confused and evasive once his relationships became physical. This self-doubt has caused him a great deal of distress as he desires children of his own, but fears that he may be sterile.


  • Familiar with the medicinal uses la la something goes here.


  • Agnostic, questioning.

2.2  Skills


  • Reading (Master): Everett's family viewed literacy highly, and so it has flowed to him. Much time spent bed-bound during periods of sickness in puppyhood saw him devour a wide variety of tomes on various subjects. This instilled a lifelong interest in reading and words, and he is fond of trying out new words and phrases he has learnt.
  • Writing (Master): Another area deemed necessary within the Ames' household was the ability to communicate through the written word. His handwriting could be described as precise.
  • Languages (Journeyman): Through trading, he was exposed to various European languages, primarily Spanish, Italian and German.
  • Fishing (Apprentice): His main source of prey, he uses a combination of nets, traps and line fishing. He was taught how to keep and prepare his catches through the use of salt and is observant of the habits of several species of fish which helps him to guess where they might best be found.
  • Cooking (Journeyman): He enjoys experimenting with the tastes and textures of food through herbs and preparation methods. Knows how to gather, harvest and prepare herbs as well as how to store, prepare and season meat for cooking.
  • Painting (Apprentice): Everett enjoys the feel of different textures and materials, and has used stone, wood and paper as his canvas. His style is typically emotive, through its use of strokes or colours although he has been tutored in other styles.
  • Crafting (Apprentice): the male is knowledgeable in different crafts, he often crafts jewellery from found objects including stones, foliage and bones. He also knows how to use natural products to produce dye, soaps and essential oils.
  • Herbalism (Apprentice): Learned this skill through one part practicality and a dash of obsession over his health. Whilst he knows how to identify cuts, wounds and sprains he is particularly good at creating herbal remedies that stave off common illnesses and infections, aid in sleep and the treatment/cleaning of wounds.


  • Fragile: Physically fragile and lacking in endurance, he runs out of energy quickly and requires frequent breaks and rest. Everett is vulnerable should he be involved in combat, and whilst he has agility on his side he could be quickly worn down and easily injured. Prone to illness and infection.
  • Lack of local information: Whilst knowledgeable about the plants and herbs of his homeland, the new world provides a challenge to his skills.
  • Perfectionist: The elitist attitudes of Coeur de Lion have carved their place into Everett's mind, and his failure to live up to its ideal still torments him. His wounds are were further made raw by his continued attempts to please his aloof father. As a result, Everett strives to maintain calm upon the surface whilst controlling other aspects of his life through obsession.
  • Self-depreciative: Everett is modest about himself and his abilities at best, and self-destructive at his worst. He often challenges his body and mind's limits in an attempt to discern how much stronger or weaker he has become. This tendency is expressed when he is alone, so as not to worry his companions. His humour is dry and often directed at his faults, whilst open flirtation is often met with shyness or puzzlement. The male considers himself physically disfigured and a mess of emotions; whoever could want such qualities in a mate or father?

3.  Connections

3.1  Family

3.2  Relationships

Key Relationships

  • Olivia Moreau Part friend, part care-taker and part-tutor, the woman represents several key foundations he has built his life upon. Olivia was the Ames' family slave, although she was released from her bonds and fled with Everett. Her disappearance during the spring sickness of 2017 left the heartbroken male to seek her out, to no avail.
  • Valdís is a mysterious figure who stirs new emotions within him. His encounters with her have revealed the huntress to be wild, dominant and proud; an intoxicating blend.
  • Rozenn is the adorable daughter of Valdís. Where Eve struggles to connect with the aloof huntress, he finds the coyote girl to be utterly charming.

Positive Relationships

  • Coaxoch knew him by the pseudonym Atillio when he was a loner. He helped the youth light a fire and sheltered with him overnight in exchange for a cooked meal. Eve finds Coax fascinating and learns that the Wendigo child and his family had been victims of the Boreas conflict.
  • Arlen Stryder is a youth he met whilst travelling and formed a fast friendship with. Arlen reminds him of his younger self, and whilst Everett may project some of that onto him without realising it, he still seeks to aid and nurture him.
  • Jace Wolfe is one of the few canines to look past his fragility and see the potential. The male is inspired by her, and they often train together. He admires the woman's straightforward attitude but also finds her intimidating in equal measure.
  • Iorek is a menacing-looking canine with a delightfully bemused expression. The younger male has been both student and teacher to Eve, their relationship constantly improves as they learn from one another.

Poor Relationships

  • Zacchaeus Kasper threatened and wounded him when he accidentally wandered into their territory. Everett feels he owes the youth's uncle, Silas Kasper a measure of respect for allowing them to go free.
  • Skoll Haskel Berated him verbally, invaded his personal space and placed his apple-juiced paws all over his hair. The man is an arse.

Minor Relations

  • Enemies: The Syndicate
  • Murders: Syndicate Trader*

Minor NPCs





Can be Referenced...


By Nat!

  • NPC Type: Minor NPC
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Fell Pony hybrid
  • Date of Birth:
  • Onboard?: Yes
  • Appearance: Percival is a sturdily built stallion, possibly a hybrid of various pony breeds such as Fell Pony, etc. He has a pale grey base coat, with cream highlights and a dark muzzle.
  • Personality:
    • Docile, friendly, flighty and stubborn. Enjoys attention and running.
  • Birth location, parents if applicable
  • Given to Everett as a parting gift from the group that looked after him during the end of April til late May.
  • Accompanied Everett to Casa di Cavalieri

Around Casa di Cavalieri:

4.  History


Everett was born and raised into the glitter and prestige of a noble court in London, England. He was the result of his mother’s ambitious social climbing within the pack and his father’s position as a high-ranking lord. The child’s arrival as a runt into the world caused a rift between the couple; his mother, Madeline had birthed two other healthy children in the same litter, and the finger of blame lay upon her. His father, Desmond, wished to keep his reputation intact and disowned the boy; effectively robbing him of any standing within the court as a result. The boy’s sire functioned as an important figure within the pack. His conduct was regarded closely and followed by his peers; his society’s laws dictated that the weak are useless, to be lead and governed by the strong. To ignore this fundamental rule about his son’s weakness would be to invite hostility and banishment upon himself.

Everett’s healthy siblings, Marcus and Elise, grow and thrive with the privileges afforded them whilst Madeline works tirelessly to ensure his survival. This division of care creates a rift between the family. Desmond is pleased with his healthy pups and lavishes attention on them both, a fact that is not lost upon the young male.

For the first several months of his life, he stays close by his mother whilst she teaches him the rudimentary skills that would find him in good standing once he was older. Madeline clung fiercely onto the hope her child could win back his birthright. When she discovered that Desmond's influence had filtered down into Marcus and Elise and that they shunned Eve, she chose to seek help. She enlisted the services of a servant girl to act as her son's companion and bodyguard.

Madeline, with a swell of pride and growing concern she watched as the boy came to realise his low status and rebelled against many of the court's laws. Despite the criticism that rained down upon them, the combined efforts of mother, slave and son were able to weather the storm. The birth-pack's Challenge of the Lions draws near, where yearlings are expected to prove their worth in multiple disciplines. The winners are afforded full family status and protection, whereas the losers were forced into slavery or exile. Both women feared for Everett, but could not admit to their fears in front of him. Unbeknown to Madeline, Everett had other plans and fled with Olivia.

Everett granted his family slave freedom to which she chose to accompany him. The two arrived in bustling Portland and joined a group of roving traders. The journey was seldom smooth, and the group experienced many highs and lows along the way. Everett provided the myriad roles as the band's medic, confidante, cook or counsellor at different occasions. Disagreements and scuffles with another group that Eve would later come to know as Syndicate led to Olivia being threatened.

In the heat of the moment, Everett kills the attacker which caused the dead trader's group to flee; leaving words of retribution in their wake. Both suffer in the aftermath of this event and find themselves unable to continue with the group. Without the aid of a pack and with winter drawing near, Everett and Olivia take shelter in the Southern region of 'Souls.

Within 'Souls