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Statistics & Foundation


  • Thera



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Santorini is an island born from the ashes of long-passed volcanic eruptions. Once a place that found wealth in tourism, the fall of humanity and the island’s subsequent Luperci takeover has transformed it into something entirely new. At the center of this is the city of Thera, a sanctuary originally founded for artists dedicated to their craft, eager to make their mark on the world and discover their muse.

Though many Rhapsodes are storytellers, this is but the front or ‘head’ of a singular coin. Flip it and you will find the ‘tails’ underneath, which is to say that many Rhapsodes have found an additional calling as mercenaries. These individuals make up a sect of the island called 'The Vounos' (The Mountains) and protect the island from outside threats.


  • Staffs are characteristic of Rhapsode's and travellers in general, implying that rhapsodes were itinerant performers, moving from town to town.
  • The term "rhapsode" is derived from rhapsōidein (ῥαψῳδεῖν), meaning "to sew songs [together]". This word illustrates how the oral epic poet, or rhapsode, would build a repertoire of diverse myths, tales and jokes to include in an epic poem.
  • Re: Inspiration → Amazons, Rhapsode's, Ancient Greece, Greek Muses

The city of Thera features a group of prevalent families – The Rapsodia, The Trivi, The Okeanos, The Altina, and The Tomahiel.


  • Girls wear their hair braided until their first birthdays after which they may wear it unbound.
  • Having your hair shorn or cut off is seen as a form of punishment. Girls may cut their hair short on their own but it considered against tradition and may be frowned upon.
  • Therans are expected to be able to defend themselves (for some families this is taught more than others)
  • Boys that are born in Thera are allowed to become Rhapsodes. (in Nova Scotia this has been adapted to not include them. Men may become Mercenaries and are then sent out into the world just prior to their first birthdays.)
  • Most children are sent out soon after their first year in an attempt to find their muses. Muses can be people, places or things. Sometimes the yearlings do not return from their pilgrimage.

Specialty Roles in Thera

The Rhapsode

Rhapsodes (you can think of them as Bards) are prevalent through all of the major families in Thera and are an important proponent of their culture. All Therans are born with the ability to become a Rhapsode, but only those who find their muse are able to carry the title. Finding a muse is more difficult than one would assume, and can take years. The most famous Rhapsodes are interconnected with the Rapsodia family, and some of their songs are still sung today.

Rhapsodes are flexible in that some wish to travel as far as possible in order to collect stories and songs from across the world, while others decide to stay close to home - happy with pursuits that see them keeping to tradition, the island, and their family.

Rhapsodes are a diverse group. They can be fishermen, warriors, or healers. The Rhapsode tradition is the thread that fills the Theran culture with stories and song. Oral tradition is exceptionally important to the Theran people.

The Skotadi

Otherwise known as 'death-bards', the role of Skotadi traditionally falls to members of the Altina family. In more Modern times, it has spread to other families. Skotadi are revered in Thera, and it is considered rude to make direct eye contact with them, and bad luck to encounter Skotadi in groups of three. The Skotadi title is bestowed upon Therans who have discovered their muse and have been touched by death themselves.

They proceed over most spiritual aspects of day-to-day life in Thera. They lead funeral processions and complete ceremonies. When someone dies in Thera their body is sung over, their eyes covered with coins and a flower hidden in their mouth. Afterward the Skotadi complete the burial and sing until the sun comes up.

They seek to make beautiful music to ease others into the afterlife.

The Vounos

Vounos means Mountain. Vounos are Therans who are called to more aggressive pursuits - many act as blades for hire around the town and travel in search of a muse that is awash with blood and victory. Vounos are almost always male (female Vounos are rare), and are often assigned charges soon after they discover their muses and prove themselves competent with their weapon of choice.

Wealthy family's will hire a Vounos to accompany their child throughout their Muse seeking. A Vounos can come from any family, and a good Vounos will have songs sung about them long after they are gone.


Characters from Thera follow muses. Sometimes these muses are representative of a characters personality traits, whereas other times they represent a characters interests or skills. A character does not need to be from a certain family to have a certain muse, but sometimes this happens naturally. See the table below for a summary of the Muses and their specialties:



Those who fall into the pursuit of Nete are often considered to be the a mixture of practical workers, soldiers, and thinkers. Those who pursue their muse through Nete often work with their hands or bodies, and some who stumble upon it are exposed via an experience that shakes them emotionally. Their songs are typically laments, sad-winding ballads that despite their nature can still be danced to.

Their muse specialties include:

  • Terpsichore (Dance)
  • Melpomene (Tragedy/Death)
  • Polyhymnia (Artisanal Trades (Pottery, Carpentry, Crafting, etc)



Those who chase their muses through Mneme view the world eagerly and look for the beauty in what some could consider mundane. Many are scholars who collect information voraciously, passing down as much as they can to the next generation. Many of Theras greatest minds have followed Mneme and found their muses hidden in knowledge and the betterment of others. Their songs are typically full of old-world lore, history, and the stars.

Their muse specialties include:

  • Clio (History)
  • Urania (Astronomy)
  • Calliope (Counselling)



The muses surrounding Aoide are often associated with feelings that are larger than life and full of joy. Aoides are able to communicate with great feeling and are excellent actors and proficient with rhymes. It is rumored that many of the oldest Rhapsodes chased after Aoide, eager to find their muses in epic love songs or poetry that brings a tear to your eye. Their songs are often long (obscenely long) and tell stories that are meant to teach lessons or pull out specific emotions.

Their muse specialties include:

  • Erato (Love Poetry)
  • Thalia (Comedy)
  • Euterpe (Music, Song, and Lyric Poetry)

Families of Thera

  • There can of course be more families, these are just the largest most prevalent ones on the island.





The Rapsodia’s are considered the oldest and most notable of Thera's families and are considered one of the founding families of the Island. Many Rhapsodes come from the Rapsodia family, and some of the most famous love songs have come from their muse pursuits. Rapsodia are known for giving birth to mostly daughters, and sons are considered very rare. This makes their family tree very large, as daughters are married off to other families on the island. As such, many of the Rapsodia have connections to all (whether they like it or not).

Members of the Rapsodia family often pursue Aoide or Mneme.

  • Poetry/Story Telling
  • Singing
  • Acting
  • Child-Rearing
  • Tradition

The Rapsodia often have the most varied coloring, though many of the original bloodline were warmer in tone with many golds and tawnies dominating their pelts. They typically have green eyes, the mark of a strong Rapsodia.





The Trivi are deeply tied to the island of Thera. Many consider themselves to be guardians of the land, taking care to rotate crops and bring fruitful harvests to the island. Knowledge is passed down from family member to family member, and many familial plots have ties that go deeper than current memory. As farmers they work the soil and partake in animal husbandry, and many have found their muses in their work. They are generally a peaceful group, and work closely with The Okeanos to gain access to the mainland for trade.

Members of the Trivi family often pursue Nete or Mneme.

  • Farming
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Botany
  • Hunting

The Trivi are often earthier tones with thicker builds than the other families. They often appear the most like the grecian wolves of old, but with hints of dog mixed into their bloodline over time. They almost always have golden eyes, though over time other colors have become more common.





The Okeanos are widely known on the island for their seamanship and maritime trade. They are in tune with the sea and man the main docks, taking those who seek passage to the mainland on their ships. Where the Trivi take care of the land, the Okeanos act as masters of the straits and assure that their waters are safe. Many of the boats are named after famous members of the family and are passed down generation after generation. The Okeanos are proud of their knowledge and do not often like to share it, for as it stands the routes to the mainland are theirs to control.

Members of the Okeanos family often pursue Nete or Mneme.

  • Merchantry
  • Seafaring
  • Fishing
  • Astronomy
  • History
  • Adventure

The Okeanos are known to be tall and pale, though occasionally a child inherits a birthmark that is a throw to their domestic dog ancestors in Santorini. You guessed it, their eyes are typically shades of blue.





The Altina are a quiet, furtive group on the island. They have the greatest concentration of Skotadi; many members of the family have a healthy fascination with death and act as counsellors for those who may be going through a difficult time. Those who never turn to the calling of the death-bard often become doctors or more commonly act as rogues, traders, and poisoners. Altina are always discreet and this has made them a trusted source to move items quietly. The Altina's are a secretive family who have always had a bloody feud with the Tomahiel's.

Members of the Altina family often pursue Nete or Mneme.

  • Healing
  • Rogue
  • Poisoner
  • Importer
  • Merchant
  • Skotadi

The Altina come in many colors, though these tend to be shades of gold, tan, and black. Reminiscent of Alsation Shepherd dogs of old, they have wolfish features and feathered ears. Altina's typically have eyes in shades of violet, though in recent years this has shifted towards golds and oranges.





The Tomahiels are the muscle of Thera. They are a brutish family who often squabble amongst themselves. If one were to attempt to trace their lineage it would be difficult to do so, as they often disappear as Vounos and return with new blood to be amalgamated into their families. This can lead to quarrelling between family groups when it comes to new blood and old blood. They are a passionate people, who regale in stories of war. They thrive in training, and almost all Tomahiel men are expected to take up the sword - to not do so is a mark against their family. Tomahiels are considered Altina’s nemesis. They do not believe in harnessing the arts so much as conquering them with brute force.

  • Soldier
  • Mercenary
  • Weapon-smith
  • Vounos

The Tomahiel are a diverse group that come in almost every color imaginable, solely due to the diversity introduced to their bloodline through their Vounos travels. A mark of a 'true' (old-blooded) Tomahiel is silver eyes.








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Category: Amanda