The Parhelion Family

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Defining Features
  2.   2.  Influence and Influences
  3.   3.  Members
    1.   3.1  Non-Blood "Family"

Originating in a plantation in southeastern North America, where its founding members eked out a life in slavery, the Parhelions emerged when Milos and Chaska adopted the surname to combine their unrelated lineages and cement their inseparable bond. Due to the nature of its conception, the family is small and originally consisted of its two founding members, an adopted brother, Kodiak, and their immediate siblings: Chousensa, Ayrin, and Nishan. Late in 2015, a second generation of Parhelions was welcomed to Chousensha and her mate, the first litter of many to come.

With its history steeped in tragedy and oppression, members of this family are generally willful, industrious, and selfless but can also be prone to rebellious acts, hypocritical thoughts, and manipulative behavior. Despite their tendency for trouble, they are usually quite amiable and, as long as a cause coincides with their morals, prefer to help out where they can rather than contribute to disorder. Parhelions make lasting friends and are passionate in their relationships. Ironically, the same passion that allows them to forge strong friendships has also been known to aid in the development of tenacious foes.

The Parhelion Family

See an interactive family tree here!


Creator: Mandi
Status: Active, Small
Statistics: 27 total (4 active; 4 dead)

Surname: Beside the sun (Greek)


Origin: E. North America (Appalachia), C. Europe (Adriatic coast)
Species: Wolfdog

Languages: English, Slovenian

  • Group: Leaders, heroes, ambassadors, martyrs, manipulators, traditionalists, hypocrites
  • Individuals: Rebels, storytellers, warriors, healers, tailors, animal caretakers
'Souls Heritage

First Member: Milos Parhelion (2014)
First Birth: 25 Aug 2016, KR

Visit the Parhelion Category for related Wiki pages.

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  • None currently!

1.  Defining Features


  • General Appearance:
    • Parhelions typically tend to have almond-shaped eyes, though oval-shaped eyes are very common as well.
    • Frowning is quite common with this family.
  • Color Variations:
    • Warm tones, such as shades of orange and gold, are most common.
    • Heterochromia can occasionally be seen.


  • General Appearance:
    • Being wolf-dominant gives most Parhelions a straight, thick, and rough hair coat. This is often reinforced by the spitz and sled dog types that have influenced the genetics of this family but may also occasionally add a softer, finer variety to pelts.
    • Unless influenced by a different family, Parhelions will never have curly or wavy hair coats while in Lupus but may have Optime manes that are somewhat wavy.
  • Color Variations and Markings:
    • Dark and earthy tones are most common in this family, though shades of silver aren't unusual.
    • Facial markings, such as pale eyebrow spots, pale muzzles, dark muzzle ticks, and dark nose bridges are almost always present.
    • Pale extremities are another mainstay within this family and vary in shade, size, and shape.
    • White spotting is very common but typically does not exceed that of residual white or trim markings.

2.  Influence and Influences



3.  Members

The parent that contributes the Parhelion gene is bolded.

First Generation

  • Slađana x Ulick Barnes — Unknown
    • Chaska Parhelion
    • Chousensha "Sen" Parhelion
  • Kyrie x Sybin — 10 Apr 2012
  • Moongate x Sybin — 2 May 2012
  • Unnamed Slave x Ulick Barnes — 17 Dec 2012

Second Generation

Third Generation

3.1  Non-Blood "Family"

  • Sorcha Logan: Another slave who was close to the original founding members, Sorcha was offered the adoption of the Parhelion surname but she respectfully declined, choosing instead to keep her own family name.
  • Willow Cormier: Eliza Cormier's daughter through Storm Cormier. When Milos Parhelion and Eliza became mates early in the year of 2016, Milos also adopted Willow as his daughter. Though she is not of his blood, Milos adores Willow and treats her no differently than he would his own brood.
  • Inara Ailurus: A long lost child who turned up on Krokar's borders following the violent destruction of her family and home. Milos Parhelion accepted her into the pack and took her into his family. He feels responsible for Inara's life and success and has adopted her as his daughter.