The "L" Brothers

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Members
    1.   1.1  First Generation
    2.   1.2  Second Generation
    3.   1.3  Third Generation
    4.   1.4  Fourth Generation
    5.   1.5  Fifth Generation
  2.   2.  Influence and Influences
    1.   2.1  Families
    2.   2.2  Packs

The "L" Brothers Family Statistics

Total Members—16
Surviving Members—15
Active Members—05
Location—Cour des Miracles

The "L" Brothers Family Foundation

First Member Location—Cour des Miracles or Loners?
First Member Date—~ 2009
First Member Name—Leland
First Birth Location—Aniwaya?
Founding Parents—Catherine & Lysander
Founding Birth Children—Stash Gandhi Joily, Luna Crescentia Akreon
Founding Birth Date—October 30, 2009[1]

The "L Brothers" were a group of four wolfdogs (with one which was never roleplayed In Character) that lived in 'Souls at various times. They were mostly husky breeds including Alaskan Malamute, with some insignificant wolf ancestry. Although none of the brothers carry a surname, all their names start with the letter "L".

1.  Members

The parent that contributes the "L" genes is bolded.

1.1  First Generation

1.2  Second Generation

1.3  Third Generation

1.4  Fourth Generation

1.5  Fifth Generation

2.  Influence and Influences

2.1  Families

2.2  Packs

  • AniWaya — Catherine gave birth to Lysander's children (mistakenly thinking they were fathered by Leland) in Aniwaya, where Leland was also a member; however, they disappeared shortly after. Dion, Catherine's great-gradson, joined the pack for a time before it disbanded.
    • Loners — Leland returned for a short time as a loner in September 2009, and died in Dahlia de Mai.
  • Cour des Miracles — Leroy was a long-time member of Cour des Miracles. He and Ayita had their children while they were members of this pack. Amaranth's children with Niro grew up here.
  • Phoenix Valley — Lysander was a member of Phoenix Valley for a short time.
  • New Dawn — Jiva was a member here, and had his first (miscarried) litter with Palaydrian here.
  • Vinátta — Jiva was a member here, and had his second litter with Palaydrian here. Taro and Chloe had their children here.