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  1.   1.  Appearance
  2.   2.  Personality
  3.   3.  History

Sveta is currently a Loner







  • Date of Birth: 27 Feb 2012
  • Gender: Female
  • Luperci: ??
  • Residence: —
  • Mate: —
  • Pack: Loner
  • Rank: Loner
  • Pronunciation: —
  • Nickname: —
  • Epithet: —
  • Etymology: —
  • Family: —
  • Birthplace: ??
  • Species: Wolf (100% wolf)
  • Subspecies:
  • cNPC:
  • yNPC:
  • Companion Animals:

1.  Appearance

Weight - 63 lbs Height - 2 ft. 11 in. Length - 4 ft. 8 in.

As a nine month old wolf, Sveta still looks gangly and awkward. Her legs are long and she hasn’t grown into her paws just yet. She still has long ears but she is quickly growing into them also. Her eyes are a yellowish amber color with a dark orange ring around the iris. Her coat is developing beautifully into her adult coat from her dull, fluffy black puppy hood, coat. Now her fur is a sleek dark shadow grey with splashes of bronze throughout it that gives her coat a orange sheen in the sunlight. One of the more unique things about her appearance is that one just one front paw she has a spot of white. The spot of white is only on three toes of her front left paw. She also has a streak of white that runs down her belly from her chest.

She has a very lean body type and she keeps her coat as clean as she can. She carries herself with self confidence and has a very alert posture. Only in the presence of higher ranking wolves does her posture change, for obvious reasons. When in the presence of superiors she tends to hunch her back and tuck her tail up under her, making sure she keeps her chin close to the ground and her eyes away from superior wolves.

2.  Personality

Sveta is a very headstrong wolf. She is often rather stubborn about the things that she believes in and sometimes will push limits to get her point across. Sveta shows her motherly instincts in the way that usually the things she is stubborn about deals with a large group of beings. She likes to care for those and shows mercy to those that are weaker than herself. She holds a high respect for those in authority but will blatantly refuse to follow the leadership of someone that she believes is doing the wrong thing.

Do to her need to love and care for those around her, she tends to make friends very quickly. She is more times than not, very upbeat and happy, always keeping the spirits of those around her light and cheery. When it comes to arguments and confrontation she chooses to be the voice of logic and reason rather than to enforce by strength alone. Sveta is blunt in the things that she says and sometimes is usually the source for any trouble that finds her. She is also a highly curious and sometimes nosy wolf which also seems to get her into trouble. Although, Sveta is a very sincere wolf in her actions and words and it can be said of her that no matter what she says or does, she always means it. In her mind, she doesn't have time to waste on saying things that she doesn't mean. Along with that, she is also a very intelligent wolf, picking up on things very quickly and very attuned to the feelings of those around her.

3.  History

February 27, 2012 Sveta was born in a litter of five in the forests of Novgorod, Russia. The pack she was born into was purely non-luperci that believed that the luperci gene was a mutation spawned by the devil. It was because of this belief that led Sveta down the path of life that she chose.

As it is with most litters, there is usually one that is completely rebellious about their families beliefs. This is certainly the case for the little black furred, Sveta. Ever since she was a blind and deaf pup, her parents knew she would be headstrong just from the way that she shoved the other pups out of the way when she nursed at her mother's teat. As she grew and began learning the ways of the pack her discipline was usually more harsh than what her siblings received. When the pack elder would gather the pups to tell tales that would inspire the pups to hate luperci, Sveta saw the broader picture and often questioned the reason for hate. At times she would even argue for the luperci and the punishments and rebuttals tended to become worse with each act of rebellion from the little black pup.

As Sveta grew, her siblings shunned her during playtime and this caused her to go off to find her own fun where she would be gone for hours, not that her family really cared. Her adventures started taking her closer and closer to the city of Novgorod. One fateful day she adventured very close and came across a bunch of young luperci pups playing on some odd contraptions or sitting on other odd contraptions. A certain tan colored male pup, probably older than she was by a few months, caught her eye and motioned her over. She tentatively approached him, careful despite her personal beliefs. He pulled his lips back over his teeth in a friendly gesture, a smile and with a eased spirit she bounced over to him. She knew that luperci were good, she was right while her family was wrong.

The tan colored male introduced himself as Nikolai. His voice was smooth and she was instantly comforted further yet by his presence and she herself smiled. She told him her name and had asked him what he was doing and why he wasn't playing with the other wolves. It turns out that Nikolai was reading a book and after Sveta had given him a funny look he told her that he was a smart luperci and would teach her how to read. They promised to meet there for reading lessons, at first, once a week, then twice a week and before they knew it, they were meeting there everyday. Sveta learned how to read quickly and she loved the idea that letters on a page could form the words that she said. She began to astound her family with how articulate she was quickly becoming with her words. Eventually, Nikolai and Sveta began meeting to play and just have fun. The two became good friends and like most friends do they shared their secrets, hopes and dreams.

Sveta told Nikolai about her family and their beliefs and how she felt about their ideas. Nikolai told her that one day he would help her runaway and that he even heard that non-luperci could be turned into luperci. Neither of them knew how that happened though. Sveta had her hopes in Nikolai and they began plotting where they would go and how they would get there. He promised that they would see the world before they finally made a home together in a place called Nova Scotia that was across the great waters. They planned on sneaking onto the trade ships to get there.

One day when Sveta was close to being seven months old her father had given her a severe beating, much worse than she had ever gotten before. In her fear and hurt she ran to the only refuge she knew of, Nikolai. The tan wolf was about as livid as a ten month old wolf can be and swore to protect Sveta and one day, to get revenge. However both knew that their best idea was to go ahead and put their brilliant plan into affect. They found a trade ship docked on the nearby river that led directly to the ocean, set to head westward. They both snuck in and found a place under the deck among the boxes and goods to be traded to hide when Nikolai panicked. He wanted to go pack some things that they would need. Neither knew when the ship was set to sail but he vowed that he would be back in time but that she was to wait there. She waited silently and without movement at all. Hours went by before crew members of the ship started to move around the body of the vessel and Sveta started to get anxious, hoping Nikolai would hurry himself up. Suddenly and with a jerk, the ship started to move. The young black wolf scrambled up to the deck and peered over the rail to see Nikolai running toward the dock as fast as he could, his bag of things quickly being discarded so that he could run faster. Still he was too slow. He reached the dock and darted up the bank, then into the water after the ship but a good Samaritan dove in after him to save him from killing himself on the ship’s propeller. Sveta couldn't hear him but from the look on his face she knew he was more upset than she was.

The crew of the first ship she was on was very nice and didn't seem to mind their extra passenger. They gave her advice on the path she should take, gave her a map and lessons on how to read. They also advised her that she shouldn't trust any other crews out there. They taught her a lot about the ways of life real quickly. They were right, and she hid herself away deep in the hulls of the ships they advised her and boarded another. Two months later the boat that she had stowed herself away on docked at a town in Maine called Freetown. From there she traveled north and followed the signs to Nova Scotia and in five days, she reached her destination. She finally laid down to sleep in a place that was called the Ethereal Eclipse since it had no set scent of any other wolves.

Category: Stubs