Dakota Rauxur

On this page... (hide)

  1.   1.  Appearance
    1.   1.1  Basics
    2.   1.2  Forms
    3.   1.3  Other
  2.   2.  Personality
    1.   2.1  Ideals
  3.   3.  Relationships
    1.   3.1  Family: Rauxur
    2.   3.2  Relations
  4.   4.  Skills
    1.   4.1  Abilities

Who his parents were, he could never say - at one point it had bothered him, he'd searched for them, only to come up empty. Many couples would jump to take him in; wanting a perfect child, believing him to be cute, finding his knowledge and skills of use, or just because they needed an able body to do work for them. All were short lived, each 'family' quick to abandon him later down the road. With each change of family that called him their own, he found himself in new lands, exposed to new cultures and drastically far from his birth place and everything that he once found familiar.

Eventually, enough was enough and he took his chance, taking off on his own as soon as he could. From observations in his youth and budding practical experience now that he could shift, Dakota began to work as a freelancer, aiding in the construction of buildings, refining his skills into something resembling that of structural engineering. By chance he caught wind of a group settling into an old building, to which he offered to help rebuild and stabilize for them; these canines spoke of a pack, spoke of a sense of community he never had and the more he listened, the more his interest and desire to join what they spoke off grew.

Referred to Sapient by individuals from the University of New England, Dakota arrived at Sapient's borders on January 02, 2017 and joined their ranks. He is currently ranked Sodalis.







  • Date of Birth: 13th June 2014
  • Gender: Male
  • Luperci: Ortus
  • Residence: —
  • Mate: —
  • Pack: Sapient
  • Rank: Sodalis
    • Co-Rank: —
    • Area of Study: —
  • Pronunciation:
    • "Duh-koe-tuh"
    • "Rox-err"
  • Nickname: 'Kota'
  • Epithet: —
  • Etymology:
    • "friend" - Native American


  • One year old domestic long hair.



  • None at the moment, sorry!

Sapient may assume and reference the following without discussion/asking:

  • None atm

1.  Appearance

1.1  Basics


  • Species: Predominantly dog in appearance, from his chunky legs, to his facial features. His wolf heritage shows via his low, down curled tail and fur type. Generally, it is near impossible to guess at his coyote appearance, that only shows in his ever so slightly longer ears.
  • Fur: Thick and soft to the touch, with a slight wave to it. Slightly longer along his back, forming tufts.
    • Optime Hair: Thick waves, with a longer fringe and shorter back, styled similar to this. His hair is always neat and streaked with a variety of his pelt colours.
  • Facial Features: Pure husky facial features, to which also gives him an almost 'pretty' appearance, due in part to the contrast of his markings to his eyes.
  • Build and Size: Chunky and built solid, Dakota possess a muscular build in all of his forms, with definition most apparent in his optime form. Additionally,
  • Humanization: Very humanised, from posture, to how he dresses e.g.: Often wears Accessories.

Reference Sheet


Opal (#a2c2ba)
Ebb (#ebe5e4)
Zorba (#a29988)
Flint (#6c6764)
Tundora (#494343)
Cod Gray (#151515)

1.2  Forms


115 lbs (13 kg)23 in (58 cm)
Husky in appearance, he is chunky and fluffy looking, solid in his build and designed more for power than speed.


145 lbs (20 kg)31 in (79 cm)
Larger in size, although still proportional without any drastic changes in this form, his hind legs become more angular as joints shift to form more leg like structures, with the digits of his front paws elongated.


200 lbs (91 kg)6ft 0in (72 in) (183 cm)
Relatively tall, with defined muscles all over, he is always clothed and puts a lot of time and focus upon his visual presentation in this form.

1.3  Other


  • Scars: None
  • Piercings: None


Dakota is very particular about being presentable and dressed to impress.

Jewelry and Accessories

  • Leather satchel
  • Black journal


  • Black trousers, cut off and rolled up at the bottom.
  • Dark grey wool hoodie, flecked through with lighter wool.
  • Navy blue over coat, with belt to fasten at waist.


  • Scent: Earthy, Ink, Cinnamon
  • Speech: Fluent in French and English, his French accent carries over into his English.
  • Quirks, Gestures, Etc.: Brow lifting and generally haughty expressions, done without him really noticing, thus making him appear to believe himself better than everyone else.
  • General Posture and Body Language: Confident, dominant and almost arrogant.


2.  Personality

Narcissist, The Charmer, Guile Hero, Brutal Honesty, Genius Ditz and Motor Mouth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac viverra lectus. Pellentesque non nisl at urna cursus egestas. Donec rutrum ex luctus lectus accumsan, vel dictum dui mollis. Praesent eget ex elit. Cras tristique ex vel urna gravida laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse convallis nisl nec consequat dignissim. Integer mattis nulla tellus, quis tincidunt nulla pellentesque lacinia.

Nam nec ex eget ante aliquet mollis. Ut varius quis erat nec convallis. Cras viverra risus sagittis varius tristique. Pellentesque ac dolor tincidunt massa lobortis bibendum. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent convallis orci sed sem feugiat, vitae molestie felis sollicitudin. Sed dignissim rutrum lacus at ultricies. Cras fermentum, velit ac elementum mollis, lacus lorem molestie lectus, sit amet tempus nunc dolor nec leo. Mauris at quam in turpis efficitur tristique sed eu nisl. Nullam aliquet risus at sapien volutpat suscipit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac viverra lectus. Pellentesque non nisl at urna cursus egestas. Donec rutrum ex luctus lectus accumsan, vel dictum dui mollis. Praesent eget ex elit. Cras tristique ex vel urna gravida laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse convallis nisl nec consequat dignissim. Integer mattis nulla tellus, quis tincidunt nulla pellentesque lacinia.

Nam nec ex eget ante aliquet mollis. Ut varius quis erat nec convallis. Cras viverra risus sagittis varius tristique. Pellentesque ac dolor tincidunt massa lobortis bibendum. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent convallis orci sed sem feugiat, vitae molestie felis sollicitudin. Sed dignissim rutrum lacus at ultricies. Cras fermentum, velit ac elementum mollis, lacus lorem molestie lectus, sit amet tempus nunc dolor nec leo. Mauris at quam in turpis efficitur tristique sed eu nisl. Nullam aliquet risus at sapien volutpat suscipit.

2.1  Ideals



  • Outlook: Generally positive, although a little jaded.
  • Expression: Cocky, flirty and confident.
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
    • Supports the law when advantageous to do so.
    • Does not seek positions of authority over others.
    • Will keep his word only if it is profitable.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac viverra lectus. Pellentesque non nisl at urna cursus egestas. Donec rutrum ex luctus lectus accumsan, vel dictum dui mollis.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac viverra lectus. Pellentesque non nisl at urna cursus egestas. Donec rutrum ex luctus lectus accumsan, vel dictum dui mollis.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac viverra lectus. Pellentesque non nisl at urna cursus egestas. Donec rutrum ex luctus lectus accumsan, vel dictum dui mollis.


  • Non-Luperci
    • Actively dislikes and treats with disdain; conforming to Sapient broader views of non-luperci.
    • Stereotypes them as simple minded animals in need of assistance through infection.


  • Exclusively homosexual, with a preference for confident, dominant men.
    • Only interested in monogamous relationships, needing security and consistency in his romantic pursuits.
    • Often gets tongue tied and starts rambling, saying the first thing that pops into his head.


  • Likes: Stuff
  • Dislikes: Stuff


  • Enjoys a smoke or two, though preferring tobacco to marijuana, but has not said no to either when offered freely.
  • Will drink when offered, does not often seek it for himself unless it will somehow better him for a trade or something of the such.

3.  Relationships

* Does not know this person by name.

3.1  Family: Rauxur

  • Mother: Queste Valxon
  • Father: Saimuhr Rahuzahl
  • Siblings: Sabre Rahuzahl, Thistle Rahuzahl, Paradox Rahuzahl.
  • Uncles and Aunts: Deity Valxon.
  • Cousins: Lynch Valxon.
  • Extended: Dakota does not know anything about his biological family.

Key Relations

  • Dareios Ahearne greeted Dakota upon Sapient borders, helping him gain membership through his mother and her rank. Upon their meeting, he was tongue tied and flustered, having made a little bit of a fool of himself in front of the male.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.

3.2  Relations

Positive Relations

Neutral Relations

Negative Relations

  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.
  • Character Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut tortor urna. Quisque ac ornare enim.

Minor Relations

  • Sex: None.
  • Friendly: None.
  • Enemies: None.
  • Murders: None.

Combat Log

  • Win: None.
  • Draw: None.
  • Loss: None.

4.  Skills

4.1  Abilities


  • Education and Learning: General building type knowledge from being raised among different cultures, etc. combined with hands on experiance from freelance work.
  • Structural Engineering (Journeyman): describe skill
  • Decorating (Dabbler): From painting to simply ensuring the gardens look pretty, he can work on the visual aspects of things enough for them to pass, although perhaps may not be the best quality.
  • Furniture Building (Dabbler): describe skill
  • Structural Engineering is based off experience gained from new buildings, so whilst they hold up, he cannot say for sure how long they will last, to a variety of weather/climate factors, if he hasn't worked with them or had the time to observe such events.
  • Decorating is messy and boring, thus he never really applies himself to the area, often slacking, cutting corners or simply stopping once things can just about pass, rather than going that extra mile.
  • He can bang a nail into some wood and call it a master piece, if someones desperate enough for something.


  • Education and Learning: From several of his foster/adoptive parents, Dakota was forced to learn reading, writing and general diplomacy.
  • Reading and Writing (Apprentice): Having began learning to read and later write upon shifting, Dakota is most adept in French, although can do so also in English. Thus, he read and write basic literature competently, with a reasonable grasp of word variation and a fundamental grasp on grammar.
  • Bartering (Journeyman): Much of his life has been spent having to look out for himself. He's good at making demands and pushing for better trades on goods.
  • His handwriting is messy, inconsistent and only really eligible to himself... and even then he isn't always sure what he wrote down.
  • When he gets worked up, Dakota can come across as arrogant which impacts his success rate for trading.
  • His skills in English are significantly weaker than those in French.


Categories: 2014 Births | Hybrid | Kitty | Sapient